As of late… snapshots from February

Vall de Nuria - The cat, you and us

We are already on the second week of March and haven’t yet shared our snapshots from last month! We like this series because it allow us to show our other adventures, those daily bits that are never featured in their own blog post and lots of them not even Instagramed.

This February was quite on the stay home club side, still we managed to have a getaway to the snow, visit Ikea and get a little bit (too) crazy chasing their Brakig limited collection (yes, we got them here on February while it was first released last spring 2014, not fair?), we paid many visits to what has become my favorite retreat bubble: the japanese coffe shop Usagui (having the best of times with our cousins Eugeni and Elena), trying to watch the Oscars and winning a Sukiyaki dinner with our ballots.

How was your February? Do you have plans for March? I’m looking forward to welcome the warmer weather and plan more walks to discover new places in Barcelona. Oh! and congrats to all women around for yesterday’s IWD, no need to say this but we rulz (and this list of celebrities, being so dang right, proves it)!

Blue and pink - The cat, you and us

On our way to home, we decided to skip the subway and stop to take a picture because the buildings were lovely.

Usagui - The cat, you and us

This is Usagui’s menu, the little drawings are so kawaii! and the rabbit-shaped dish is the one they bring for the utensils. How couldn’t I fall in love with this place?

Usagui - The cat, you and us Usagui - The cat, you and us

Matcha addiction! We ate the most delicious matcha cake roll and matcha lattes

Ikea florist - The cat, you and us

Hahaha my apologies to Dani but had to include this! It was taken in the garden area of Ikea, I’m not sure if Dani would make a good florist and if the gardener hat suits him.

Train to Vall de Nuria - The cat, you and us

For our snow getway we took a 3 hour train ride.

Vall de Nuria - The cat, you and us Vall de Nuria - The cat, you and us Bar nou - The cat, you and us Bar nou - The cat, you and us

We have lately discovered a few new (and neat!) places to eat, this one here is specialized in bread (tomato & bread is a typical Catalan thing) and cheese plates.

Palau Robert - The cat, you and us giveaway packaging - The cat, you and us Yoi Yoi Gion Kyoto - The cat, you and us

Talking about new places, our friends from Nagataya Kyoto recommended us this Udon place called Yoi Yoi Gion Kyoto, which was delish!

Oscars ballots - The cat, you and us

Our Oscars ballots, just to prove I was a fair winner ;) Mine is the one starting with Best Picture: Birdman

Shibui Barcelona - The cat, you and us Shibui Barcelona - The cat, you and us Sukiyaki - The cat, you and us

… and this was my fabulous Oscars prize: a Sukiyaki soup at Shibui restaurant!

Juno with Oscar ballots - The cat, you and us
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  1. Jane Y. ADDS...

    I love the menu cover. So adorable. And udon is such a great comfort dish. I love it with tempura mmmhhmm :) we made udon the other day at home and it was almost like a “anything goes” udon where we added all these different veggies.. it was… interesting :P

    9th March 2015
    • We reply...

      They have those little drawings spread all over the menu and it makes my heart explode with cuteness every time! Hahaha, anything goes udon sounds so much fun!

  2. petra ADDS...

    looks like a good and colourful month :)))

    10th March 2015
    • We reply...

      It was a full belly month, that’s for sure! :) thanks!

  3. Fiona ADDS...

    Oh Usagui looks so cute – so much matcha awesome-ness! I had to google this ikea collection, so pretty, love the sweet colours and patterns. Damaris your outfit is killing it, pink shirt, black tights, skirt, cute jacket, cool shoes – but maybe I shouldn’t forget Dani’s hat here either :p I’m not sure where my February went but I know I’ve been a bad blogger, I better start rectifying that!

    10th March 2015
    • We reply...

      Laughing so much with Dani’s hat comment! hahahahhahahhaahhaa, luckily he is a good sport and indulges me posting this image ;) Thanks for the sweet words as well, pink anything definitely makes a good outfit. We want your blogging back Fee!

  4. Hey Rita ADDS...

    Gorgeous pictures you have here! Looks like you had a great time :)


    10th March 2015
    • We reply...

      Thanks Rita! It was a very foodie month, hence great time indeed :)

  5. Deniz ADDS...

    Haha what a funny pic with this ikea hat! :)
    and I was surprised when I saw bar nou pic, we went there too! soo hipster, that’s why we loved it :))

    10th March 2015
    • We reply...

      I think you guys discovered before we did then! :) I loved the decoration, right? And felt so fancy being able to pick the type of bread and olive oil, hahaha.

  6. So much delicious food! My February has been an attempt to have a getaway away from the snow haha, but your getaway to it looks lovely! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

    13th March 2015

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