Happy mother’s day to my very own Lorelai!

Mom & daughter - The cat, you and us

Happy mother's day

First, the mandatory disclaimer: In Spain mother's day is always the first Sunday in May, so don't worry if you are not living here and haven't called your mom yet *wink*

I'm not sure if I mentioned this before on the blog, but since I was two I started living with only mom, the two of us. I had visits with my dad and grandparents some weekends and on school holidays, but my mom was the one with me everyday, like Lorelai (Gilmore Girls fandom talking here), taking care of me, teaching me everything and showing me how to lift up when something was not that good. We didn't have knitathons like in Star Hollows but we had our own movie nights, and our own quotes anyone else could understand. We still have, I talk with her every single day, and even in the distance we have our own language.

I love you mom!

Mom & daughter - The cat, you and us

Wish also a happy day to your mom and to all of you that are already moms, pet moms and moms to be, keep with that amazing work of love, friendship & care.

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  1. This is such a sweet post! <3 (yesss Gilmore Girlsss) -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

    7th May 2017
  2. Nieves ADDS...

    Quiero agradecerte este bonito detalle, y darte las gracias por todo lo maravilloso que has aportado a mi vida, a veces los sueños se cumplen y tú y nada más que tú, era lo qué más quería, gracias por el regalo de tenerte cerca, te quiero.

    8th May 2017
  3. Fiona ADDS...

    Awwww – you guys are so cute!

    10th May 2017
  4. Jane ADDS...

    Sweet <3 Happy Mother's Day!

    12th May 2017

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