As of late… snapshots from June & July

As of late snapshots from June/July - The cat, you and us

With so many things on our table (when I say table I mean dslr camera…) June & July were poorly reflected through our phones and yet to be shared in the blog, that’s why we decided to wrap things up in one single “as of late” post. Want to follow us looking back to these two months? Let’s jump!

As of late snapshots from June/July - The cat, you and us

We stumbled upon this marvellous door near our home, Dani is doing his “we have a new great photo location” pose, yay!

As of late snapshots from June/July - The cat, you and us As of late snapshots from June/July - The cat, you and us

Cod fish croquette, it’s a very typical and yummy tapa in here.

As of late snapshots from June/July - The cat, you and us

Hands down the best thing that happened during June was our travel to Cinque Terre which I miss so much, love to be able to show again a few captures, of the bluest sky, Vernazza and Monterosso.

As of late snapshots from June/July - The cat, you and us As of late snapshots from June/July - The cat, you and us As of late snapshots from June/July - The cat, you and us

Our cousins Julio & Sonia celebrated their anniversary in Disneyland, and they brought me back this precious tinkerbell pin, isn’t it amazing?! Thanks guys! I am not sure why Juno is not as impressed as I am, though! ;)

As of late snapshots from June/July - The cat, you and us As of late snapshots from June/July - The cat, you and us

For Dani’s birthday I bought him two tickets for an Angus & Julia Stone concert on July 7th in the Pedralbes gardens (you may remember them from this pic). Everything was so out of this world in the best way possible, I still have to pinch myself. Julia is so powerful on the stage, I’d have never guessed!

As of late snapshots from June/July - The cat, you and us As of late snapshots from June/July - The cat, you and us As of late snapshots from June/July - The cat, you and us As of late snapshots from June/July - The cat, you and us

Juno is also known as “the guardian of the light” in our home, she makes a pretty great job If I may say so.

As of late snapshots from June/July - The cat, you and us

We celebrated Anna & Albert’s birthday (of the both of them) at a super yummy taco place called “Niño Viejo”.

As of late snapshots from June/July - The cat, you and us

In case you were wondering if the ice-cream from our Instax Challenge was really melting or not, here is the proof!

As of late snapshots from June/July - The cat, you and us As of late snapshots from June/July - The cat, you and us As of late snapshots from June/July - The cat, you and us

Next to our home there was this open air cinema dedicated to love stories, we watched 10.000km a movie about love when it is separated by thousands of miles, it is definitely worth watching!

As of late snapshots from June/July - The cat, you and us

But mostly I have been looking to the sky, wondering what is coming next for us, do you have a clue? The answer is still blank for me. See you next week, we finally have ready the second part of our Spring project, never too late, isn’t it?

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  1. Mariko ADDS...

    Salt cod fritters are also pretty popular in pubs in Montreal. It seems like Barcelona and Montreal have a lot in common?

    7th August 2015
    • We reply...

      It seems so! :) Would love to visit one day and try your cod fritters! yumm!

  2. Fiona ADDS...

    That fruit door is so cute! Yay for seeing Angus and Julia, I wouldn’t of picked Julia to be powerful on stage – she always seems soft as mouse! Love the Tinkerbell badge and the shot of you with Juno – super cute! I know everyone says it but it’s kind of amazing it’s already August *gulp*. Looking forward to part 2!

    7th August 2015
    • We reply...

      Great comparison of Julia, I thought the same, but she has a big presence on stage, dancing, doing almost all the talking and playing every instrument available. Big love for the Aussie siblings duo :) I know…August and already second week, few!

  3. Elena ADDS...

    Uooooooo!!!! Què maco aquest resum del mes de Juny!! No recordava que havíeu anat al festival de jardins de Pedralbes és preciòs oi????? Nosaltres vem anar a Lana del Rey i ens va encantar!!!

    7th August 2015
    • We reply...

      Siiií, va ser genial, el lloc és preciós, i tot molt agradable amb les taules per prendre algo, i després el muntage de l’escenari és força impactant quan penses que a sota hi ha la font ;) Petooonicus!

  4. Jane Y. ADDS...

    i love your photos and how behind the scenes ones as well :)

    7th August 2015
  5. Sharon ADDS...

    aww i’m loving these photos, looks like such a fun month indeed. I’m so jealous you get to see Angus & Julia live!

    18th August 2015

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