Jardí Botànic de Barcelona

I think it is quite usual to miss the tourist spots of a city while living in it. You are so close to them that you always think that you can go there at any time, and you finally let days, months and even years pass without actually visiting them. That’s exactly what happened to us with the Botanical Garden, after 10 years living in Barcelona (in fact the hubs was born in Barcelona, so a longer time for him ;) ) we decided that it was time to pay a visit.

The current garden was opened one year before I started living in Barcelona (1999), while the historical one dates from the 16th century. The garden is divided into five spaces, each one arranged geographically representing one mediterranean region of the world: South Africa, California, Chilean Mediterranean, Australia and our Mediterranean.

To get there you have to go to Plaça Espanya with the L3 metro line and there, walk up around 35 minutes, which is quite nice but a little heavy at sunny times, or take a bus and walk around 5-10 minutes.

A useful tip is to visit the Jardí Botànic on Sundays because the entrance is free after 15:00, or the first Sunday of the month (if you are living here this is easier).

Although we went there during the afternoon you can see that there was a very strong light during most of the time, which is quite challenging for portraits.

Without further ado, here you have it, hope you enjoy the garden as much as we did!

botanical garden light at the botanical garden hard light botanical garden of Barcelona some instagram pictures Damaris' hands Flowers Instagram pics Golden hour lighting beautiful light Damaris She is beautiful, isn't she? light
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