Bewitched with the autumn colors

Fageda Olot Autumn colors - The cat, you and us

Orange you glad!

Although winter & the holiday season (yay!) is fast-approaching, we would like to make a final nod to the awesome autumn colors. A frequent conversation among people living here is that seasons seem to be blurring one into the other. Does the same happen in your neck of the woods? Autumn in particular didn’t get here until mid-November, and this year we had the bad luck of having heavy rain which made the leaves to fall into the ground super early. Still we planned a quick getaway to enjoy the last bits of our favorite season, and thus send vibes to the weather (& hope for climate change actions I guess!) to allow us enjoy all 4.

Fageda Olot Autumn colors - The cat, you and us Fageda Olot Autumn colors - The cat, you and us
Fageda Olot Autumn colors - The cat, you and us
Fageda Olot Autumn colors - The cat, you and us
Fageda Olot Autumn colors - The cat, you and us
Fageda Olot Autumn colors - The cat, you and us
Fageda Olot Autumn colors - The cat, you and us

We took the car (Daniel’s second time officially driving!) and drove all the way to a famous beech woods near Olot called La Fageda. We are slowly trying to choose more complicated roads so Dani can practice & feel more confident in his just-learnt skills, this time the challenge was having unexpected thick fog. Since we rent a car, we really don’t know about all of its controllers (also very unexperienced with cars!), and when we realized that the fog was getting worse I started checking the instructions manual like crazy to see how the fog lights signal looks like, our team work just got in time and were able to turn them on, phew!

Fageda Olot Autumn colors - The cat, you and us Fageda Olot Autumn colors - The cat, you and us Fageda Olot Autumn colors - The cat, you and us Fageda Olot Autumn colors - The cat, you and us Fageda Olot Autumn colors - The cat, you and us
Channeling inner Sabrina

In the middle of the woods we found this witchy-looking shelter in the woods. I have been watching the new Sabrina series on Netflix, so I tried to make my best scary-witch impression, ha! Have you watched the series? I was hesitant at first, but slowly got into what the show offers and enjoyed it. Actually, I am very looking forward to the Christmas special. On my teens I was super into witch movies (watched The Craft like a gazillion times) & tv shows, so I think I am living it again since I watched in a row Little Witch Academia (opposite mood, more like a Harry Potter-esque super feel good anime) and Sabrina. Yet, I can report that we didn’t got lost à la The Blair Witch Project way.

Fageda Olot Autumn colors - The cat, you and us
Fageda Olot Autumn colors - The cat, you and us
Fageda Olot Autumn colors - The cat, you and us
Fageda Olot Autumn colors - The cat, you and us
Fageda Olot Autumn colors - The cat, you and us
Fageda Olot Autumn colors - The cat, you and us
Fageda Olot Autumn colors - The cat, you and us
Fageda Olot Autumn colors - The cat, you and us
Fageda Olot Autumn colors - The cat, you and us

Color coordinating one more time? Really guys? *wink*
As usual this wasn’t on purpose, when I decided my clothes for the day I went to the bedroom to then discover that Dani had picked up for him this sweater. Then I fully embrace it adding a similar-color beret. Hope you don’t find it too obnoxious, ha!

Fageda Olot Autumn colors - The cat, you and us Fageda Olot Autumn colors - The cat, you and us Fageda Olot Autumn colors - The cat, you and us Fageda Olot Autumn colors - The cat, you and us Fageda Olot Autumn colors - The cat, you and us

Which is your favorite season? Are you excited for the holiday season to start? I think we’ll be putting the decor this same weekend and play She & Him Christmas albums non-stop!

Farewell autumn! Hello winter!

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  1. Nieves ADDS...

    Las fotos me encantan, han quedado preciosas! El sitio me gusta un montón, a pesar de que había llovido mucho unos días antes aún quedan restos de otoño!

    30th November 2018
  2. Jennifer ADDS...

    I love Little Witch Acadamia! My husband and I watched it for Halloween, and Sabrina. We also like the Worst Witch but it is definitely more campy and more for actual little kids lol

    1st December 2018
  3. Lucila ADDS...

    La foto del final en la que sortiu junts és molt mona!

    Jo crec que pel tema colors de tardor el Montseny és força més espectacular que la Fageda d’en Jordà. Hi hem d’anar l’any que ve!!

    1st December 2018
  4. chelsea ADDS...

    You both look perfectly autumnal! I love your outfit so much. Fall is my absolute favorite and it always goes by so quickly.

    Also, I loved the new Sabrina series as well!

    xx Chelsea

    3rd December 2018
  5. Fee ADDS...

    love love love the colour coordination!! soooo cute! Also how good is that lovely mustard colour – super beautiful :) The whale brooch on your beret is such a sweet touch and my favourite photo is the one with the leaf tucked into it! (okay too many exclamation marks :P)

    3rd December 2018
  6. I LOVE the primary colours in your outfit, and it’s so cute that the two of you are matching :3 // Autumn is my favourite season, and it always feels too short! I feel like one moment I was sweating from the summer heat, and the next moment I was freezing from the winter chill :P // Glad that you guys drove safely!!! <3 // I haven't watched too many witchy films/shows so I haven't watched Sabrina, but it seems very popular and everyone seems to really like it! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

    7th December 2018
  7. Mary ADDS...

    These views are worth the wait for the whole year!

    9th December 2018
  8. Bivi ADDS...

    So sad to hear about the late autumn on your end ;-; We don’t have autumn out here, but it’s been raining like crazy here too. Unfortunately, without all the gorgeous golden leaves to make up for the terrible weather.

    Love the witchy vibe of this location! (although a little worried that someone might have actually finished a ritual there before you came) Also, yes to the accidental colour coordination! Absolutely adorable.

    13th December 2018

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