Grease lightning

Grease lightning - The cat, you and us

Hello lovelies! How is this November looking like for you? Here we are in the middle of what our weather folks call “Saint Martins summer”, not the most scientific name out there, right? I think it would make more sense to everyone if I just use the most well-known term “Indian Summer” or… even better, should I name it “perfect summer”? It is when autumn feels like summer, a little chillier, just the perfect amount of heat but still being able to enjoy all autumn goodness with its colors and leaves.

Grease lightning - The cat, you and us Grease lightning - The cat, you and us Grease lightning - The cat, you and us

Jacket – Head scarf (oldie, in fact it’s one of Lush furoshiki’s wraps!) – Dress from Pull&Bear (sold out)

Grease lightning - The cat, you and us

The Sol necklace from Fauna y Flora is a gift from Dani for our wedding anniversary. I am in love with it, the black stone has glitter so it shines when you look it closer. Such a sweet collection they have created for this autumn!

One of my secret goals for this year was to add pieces to my wardrobe that were at the same time basic pieces, fitted me good but made me step out of my comfort zone. That’s why a few days ago I purchased this (fake) leather jacket, my first ever… can you believe it? Well, I’m not the super rocker girl (at least in aesthetics, I’m rocker at heart!) but when I saw the jacket hanging in the store I knew that for that price I had to at least try it on, for my surprise I felt so good in it! I think my (random) thoughts went immediately to Grease, and I sang to my new jacket “you’re the one that I want” (sing it with Olivia Newton-John’s voice, and add a uuuhuuhuuu at the end).

Grease lightning - The cat, you and us Grease lightning - The cat, you and us Grease lightning - The cat, you and us Grease lightning - The cat, you and us

A few months ago we precisely went to a special screening of Grease at a movie theater full of devouted fans, it was so much fun to revive all the songs, the pink ladies, the boys and all the leather and glorious 60s looks and dinners. I think I now need to watch it again at home with my new leather outfit, I will feel more on tune! Have you been able to revive any classic movie on a big screen? It is wonderful, isn’t it?

Grease lightning - The cat, you and us Hello Kitty Vans - The cat, you and us

I added my Hello Kitty pink sneakers to the look as a little homage to the Pink Ladies ;)

Grease lightning - The cat, you and us Grease lightning - The cat, you and us Grease lightning - The cat, you and us Grease lightning - The cat, you and us Grease lightning - The cat, you and us Grease lightning - The cat, you and us

Let’s cross fingers we are able to enjoy this Indian summer for a little longer, there is plenty time for winter to come, don’t rush yourself weather!

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  1. Mariko ADDS...

    With the bangs and the bandanna you totally nail the rocker look! We’ve also had an unseasonably warm autumn so far, but it finally seems to be cooling off :( It’s been so nice crunching around in all the leaves in just a hoodie.

    9th November 2015
    • We reply...

      Thank you Mariko!!! It means so much, you’re definitely a rock star :)

  2. Fiona ADDS...

    That necklace is so beautiful and you look awesome in your jacket!!! Definitely rocking the grease look but in a cute Damaris way :) Your weather sounds beautiful I hope it keeps lasting for you guys!!

    10th November 2015
    • We reply...

      Thank you! I think I’m always completely in love with everything Fauna y Flora creates, but this one is special. Dani loves everything about space, he gets so excited for every new shared by NASA and so on, so this space-y sun reminds me of him very much ;)

  3. My autumn is feeling a bit like yours at the moment! Even a leather jacket is too heavy to wear :P Well actually it’s raining right now so it’s a bit cooler and my leather jacket would be the perfect weight, but it’s red just like my boots and it feels a little tacky to pair them like that! Although it’s probably all just in my head… haha -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

    10th November 2015
    • We reply...

      Hahaha, I know what you mean about too much red, but also I’m sure it’s all in our heads :) They are announcing chillier temperatures for next week, so maybe I should seize now to wear my jacket non-stop, ha!

  4. Jane Y. ADDS...

    :) i think it’s a nice addition! and we are having gorgeous weather here – for the past couple of days it’s been t-shirt wearing weather!

    16th November 2015
    • We reply...

      Oh! it’s worldwide then! :) Here is slowly becoming chillier, I think it’s time for our annual heating system revision so we are able to turn it on soon.

  5. Ice Pandora ADDS...

    Oh Damaris, you cutie :P congratulations with purchasing your
    first leather jacket! And you know what, you pull it off greatly c:
    Grease is surely one of my favorite movies! Love the famous
    soundtracks of course c: Xx
    Ice Pandora

    24th November 2015
    • We reply...

      Thanks Mei! I used to play the soundtrack non-stop while I was a kiddo and tried to mimic the choreographies, I bet I was quite amusing for my mom, ha! :)

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