Japan 2.0: Kawaii giveaway winner

Giveaway winner - The cat, you and us

We have the winner of our Kawaii Japanese bundle! You’ll need to scroll down to discover it.

Giveaway winner - The cat, you and us Juno - The cat, you and us Juno the cat - The cat, you and us

Juno loves playing with straws, so we thought we could make her part of the game of selecting a winner attaching every name to a little straw, we would then let her play with all of them and she was going to bite one and leave with it to play. That’s what she usually does anyways, so why would anything go different this time, right?

Giveaway winner - The cat, you and us Juno - The cat, you and us Damaris - The cat, you and us Giveaway winner - The cat, you and us

Well, here is the real nature of what happens when you want your cat be part of the playing action, ha! We have recorded the silliest quick video using snapchat (I’m not kidding when I’m talking about being silly) at the end we announce the winner, but you’ll see how all the smooth process went with Juno as the lucky hat *wink*

Congrats to the winner! We will contact you shortly. And thanks to everyone participating, I wish I could have dozens of bundles to send to you.

Big love!

We almost forgot! We have already posted our second Japan film on Youtube, this time it’s Tokyo! Stop by if you fancy to see a more elaborated video than the one in this post, ha! (easy) Oh, and if you recognize the song, let us know in the comments! :)

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  1. Nieves ADDS...

    Me gustan mucho las fotos, juno está preciosa, pero esta vez nos habéis regalado dos vídeos maravillosos.

    23rd April 2017
  2. Fiona ADDS...

    awww that was so cute and hilarious!!! ha ha ha ha. It looked like Juno was in straw confusion heaven! I can totally relate, especially when there are too many things on the menu :P

    24th April 2017
    • We reply...

      Hahahahaha, I know! Big menus always overwhelm me too :) Poor Juno, she is much happier with a single straw, humble cat ;)

  3. ELENA ADDS...

    He vist el meu nom a la capseta, siiiiiiiii!!! Juno pensava que erem amiguesssssss!!!! :P

    24th April 2017
    • We reply...

      Jajajajajajajjaa, pobreta estava massa atabalada amb tanta canyeta :) Per cert, has vist el vídeo de Tokyo? Hi han dues referencies per tu :) una la veuràs clara a Kiddyland, i l’altra és un doppelganger! :) Un petó gegant!

  4. omg this video was way too cute! Also the fact that you made little straw pennants for every name! #dedication! <3

    24th April 2017
    • We reply...

      Thank you so much, so super sweet to mention it! <3

  5. Lorna ADDS...

    What an inspired idea to have Juno help choose! Even if it didn’t quite work out in the end, it made for a super cute video! ^‿^

    25th April 2017
    • We reply...

      Thanks! It didn’t work out all, but we had so much fun, hahaha! :)

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