As of late… snapshots from January

Juno so tired - The cat, you and us

February is here and it marks the time for a round-up of January sharing those unpublished snapshots from our phones!

My current mood is quite similar to the one Juno is showing in the featured picture. From here nothing seems quite different in the horizon of this February than it was for January: we are having indoor time hugely affected by the winter blues, but we can take something positive out of it… nesting.

We bought new (gray & comfier) chairs, a carpet & a basket to hang a plant for our dining area. We don’t have it yet in pictures because I prefer to show the final deal since I’m planning on changing the wall art behind too (the one you have seen in every DIY post, ha!) Actually, I would love to print some of the Japan images for the “new wall”, so after all our posts are published I will ask for your advice about which one do you think it will look better in a bigger size; I’m 100% sure you’ll help me select the best one.

Barcelona afternoons are pastel color - The cat, you and us

On a positive side, weather has been quite good, we are having this gorgeous pink skies. Oh Barcelona, I love you sometimes so much, but why are you so hard on me on others?

Barcelona afternoons are pastel color - The cat, you and us Juno & Pink Mount Fuji - The cat, you and us

We received an amazing postcard from Japan from the loveliest Fiona from Burntfeather. Have you seen her road trip in Japan? It is a must, don’t miss it for anything! Fruit bus stops are my favorite but it’s hard to choose.

Home decor - The cat, you and us

I framed the postcard and has been receiving lot of praise; pink is a color that fits mr. Mount Fuji so well.

matcha latte - The cat, you and us

Surviving via our beloved Matcha Latte at Usagui.

Juno and presents - The cat, you and us

I received a “latergram” Christmas present! Thanks for the love dear Kate! Everything from the cute stationery, packaging to the items make me smile so much. Oh! and have to give a heads-up for her pitch-perfect Instagram pictures, her last foggy pictures make me swoon!

Gilmore Girls Funko pop - The cat, you and us

In case you are a new reader and haven’t already realized my fandom obsession with Gilmore Girls, here are my new pops. To which I almost speak everyday, joking! (sort of… ha!)

Gossip girl - The cat, you and us Costa Pacífico - The cat, you and us

We discovered a new place for Mexican tacos and ceviches that was added straight away to our Barcelona guide map. First sight love!

Juno and Chibi - The cat, you and us Chibi Totoro inside Kiki's Delivery service tea cup - The cat, you and us

How was your January? Was it good, vindicatory (things at the other side of the Atlantic does not look very silent), full of planning or quiet? I would love to know!

Wish you a good February, blog-wise we will be continuing sharing Japan because currently it is what is healing my (blue) heart. Thanks for all the love we have received so far, you are certainly the best!

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  1. Nieves ADDS...

    Me encantan las fotos de junito! Está para comerla en la que duerme a pata suelta, y está muy divertida, chafardeando detrás de las cortinas, las chicas gilmore son una chulada, me gustan las fotos del atardecer en Barcelona, parecen postales!

    3rd February 2017
  2. Mariko ADDS...

    That Suki Pop is too much. And I feel Juno with her grumpy face. The real “winter” has just started here in Montreal and I’m more than ready for it to be over.

    3rd February 2017

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