Flea market goodbyes

Flea Market - The cat, you and us

Last Sunday our friends Lucila & Eduard were selling some of their clothes & home stuff at the Flea Market Bcn and we went to help a little bit to put together their booth. It is not very usual to host yard sales in Barcelona (or around) when someone is changing houses like I know that other places do (I wish it was though). So when Lucila told me that she was thinking to set up a booth in the Flea Market (a monthly second-hand market), to sell the things they aren’t going to need anymore, I thought it was definitely a great idea.

Lucila & Eduard are not only changing homes for this fall, they are changing countries: leaving Barcelona for England – eep exicting! Do you remember them from the anniversary session we did like a year ago? Lucila is an old & good friend from my school years and Eduard is a very sweet gentleman that we are very glad to have met & now count as friend; I wish them the best although they know they will be missed!

We seized that day to say our goodbyes. Also Lucila had the most fun of ideas: she took a polaroid picture of each of their friends to bring with them to England; I’m looking forward to see how she stores or displays them.

Flea Market - The cat, you and us

Booths were marked with white chalk on the floor. Oh! And Ikea bags are quite handy!

Flea Market - The cat, you and us Flea Market - The cat, you and us

Lucila decided to cover the table using craft paper.

Flea Market - The cat, you and us Flea Market - The cat, you and us Flea Market - The cat, you and us

Cinexin was probably my favorite game ever when I was a little girl, you could project 8mm Disney movies manually controlling how the images moved using a handle.

Flea Market - The cat, you and us Flea Market - The cat, you and us Flea Market - The cat, you and us Flea Market - The cat, you and us Flea Market - The cat, you and us Flea Market - The cat, you and us

Lucila took our picture (and the one from another couple) that same day and I got to write a little note on it: “Barcelona misses you guys, we do more!” would be a possible translation ;)

Have you ever hosted a yard sale in your home? Do you like to score things in them? Have you ever sold your things in a flea market? I would love to read your experiences!

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  1. Deniz ADDS...

    Oh, I love your Yale t-shirt <33
    And good luck them in England, it's a very nice idea!
    Also I'm so hungry for flea markets, I wish we had more in Istabul…

    19th September 2014
  2. This is so much fun + you look adorable. Always! You have such great personal style!! xo

    19th September 2014
  3. Albert ADDS...

    S’hauria de tenir més cultura d’aquest tipus de mercat per aquí, i poder tenir més opcions que: reciclar, tirar o vendre per internet i tendes de 2a ma. Ben pensat,ja direu que tal va anar la experiència!

    19th September 2014
  4. Rachel Emma ADDS...

    Going to the flea market is one of my favorite things to do! So much talent out there. I’ve never sold anything, but I find myself drawn to the vendors that have lots of color going on!

    I somehow stumbled upon your blog, and I love it! You and your husband are the cutest. Following y’all on Bloglovin’ now! :)


    19th September 2014
  5. Jane Y. ADDS...

    oh it must be bitter sweet to say good bye to your friends. what a great booth you all set up there! i have never done a yard sale myself but i would love to. i always end up donating stuff. oh! actually we did sell one thing – yangkyu’s bike – before moving to our new home. we sold it through an online portal and it sold immediately! we didn’t know it would be so popular! :)

    19th September 2014
  6. Kasia ADDS...

    I have been to a flea market only once in my life and it was in Prague. Such a nice experience! I love your blog.

    20th September 2014
  7. Fiona ADDS...

    Reading this makes me think I should not be so slack and go to garage sales next weekend (In Australia we typically have them on Saturday mornings). I love thrift shopping and garage sale hunting (anything were potential treasures lurk!). That Cinexin sounds super fun, I don’t think we had any thing like that debut in Australia (I could be wrong!) Love your Yale shirt and the the fun set ups of the day. I hope you don’t miss your friends too much (potential holiday in the future?).

    21st September 2014
  8. petra ADDS...

    my friends and I usually throw parties where everyone brings their stuff and we trade. unwanted items go to a charity shop at the end of it. I like this English concept of charity shops where you can donate your old stuff and help raise money for people in need or important causes.

    22nd September 2014

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