1st blogiversary: Celebrating with a brand new look!

The cat you and us new template

The cat, you and us is growing and this month we are celebrating our first year on the air! (double yays!)

We have been working on an entire month full of fun things to celebrate the anniversary with you:

  • A new (hope you like it!) template for the blog, don’t forget to check the website if you are a rss subscriber! We would absolutely love to read your feedback.
  • Our first giveaway (stay tuned for tomorrow!)
  • And what makes us more happy: A month full of guest posts by some of our beloved blogger friends!

From Monday 5th we will start a series of guest posts under the theme “Home is with you”. One of our goals this next year is to increase collaboration-interaction with other blogs, so we have started contacting 8 different bloggers and ask them to share with us his own interpretation of the theme using different approaches. The results are amazing and we are dying to show the guest posts that are coming! We have more ideas for future collaborations with other bloggers pals; if you would like to take part just ask!

Home is with you would be the overall main theme of this month at The cat you and us, and we have also prepared a giveaway around it that will start tomorrow. It would be our first giveaway ever so we are super excited and hoping that everyone will enter and join our celebration!

But no more anticipation and let’s move to todays’ news: the template. After 1 year we felt like the old template did not allow us to grow as we would like, so we started to make plans to build a new one from (almost) scratch. We loved some parts of the older one that we are keeping: color schema, typography and even the squared pennant. Do you remember the old template? Our goal was to keep the more recognizable parts of it, for the change to be a step forward but not a disruptive move. Hope all of you familiar with our web look & feel agree! :)

Along with the layout, we have also some new “useful” features:

  • Related posts at the end of each post.
  • A new avatar of our family of three for the About section! Ok, it’s not very useful but we had (serious) fun drawing them.
  • A responsive design: Try to resize your browser window and let magic happen! We usually use our smartphones to check our daily reads, and we had to zoom like crazy when checking our own posts, not fun at all. Hope this will also be helpful for all other phone readers out there.
  • A sidebar with more presence for our Pinterest and Instagram accounts, and with direct access to our favorite adventures.
  • And the most “useful” (quotation marks more than needed here) new feature: a Juno-related easter egg! Can you guess what and where it is?

What do you think of the new layout? If you detect anything not working as should do, please contact us! Do you have any building templates fun stories? Oh! Let’s start celebrating, we are too excited already! Psst don’t forget to visit us tomorrow for the giveaway…

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  1. I love your new template!

    1st May 2014
    • We reply...

      ♥ thanks!

  2. Ice Pandora ADDS...

    I loooooove your new layout ^___^
    I’m glad you stayed with some of the
    stuff like this comment bar but I
    also love the sidebar and the header!
    I can’t wait for the upcoming ‘Home
    is With You’ posts :3

    1st May 2014
    • We reply...

      Aww thanks Mei!!! I was a little afraid to have always my head that big on the header, but fortunately lots of elements are hiding me ;) I can’t wait to start with the guest posts on Monday. You guys are mind-blowing, thanks! :)

  3. Leeda ADDS...

    YES YES YESSSSS! congratulations, you guys! your new layout is absolutely beautiful and very you! i love love love it. very clean design and your color scheme is such a good one. omg i’m fangirling over here. dreaming of days when i can be as good at web design! also congratulations on your blogiversary! cheers to many more blog posts to come!

    at this volume

    2nd May 2014
    • We reply...

      Leeda!!! Thank you so much! Your comment makes me incredibly HAPPY (non-stop smile here!), we are excited to have guest posts for the blogiversary and looking forward to more collaborations for this next blog year (hint hint ;P).

  4. petra ADDS...

    oh, I love it. looks great!!

    2nd May 2014
    • We reply...

      Thanks Petra! Very much appreciated! love back, I like so much that beautiful smile you lately are showing in your pics.

  5. Albert ADDS...

    Uoh! Molt bé el nou disseny! Sobretot el canvi d’espai entre linies, ajuda a molt a la lectura (l’altre dia li comentava a l’Anna, que havia de fer una queixa formal). Els avatars m’ha deixat sense paraules xD
    Més fàcil de seguir ara els comentaris, quan arribi la killer feature de respondre ja serà la pera ;-)
    Benvinguts al mon responsive!

    2nd May 2014
    • We reply...

      Ui! Merci! Ets el crític que em fa més por! Sí, crec que ara és més llegible. Encara algunes coses les hem de millorar: mida de lletres als comentaris, o la tipografia del search, poca coseta… Els avatars espero que sigui en el bon sentit XD XD no patiu que si en voleu un dels 3 jo us el faig :) Sí, la polèmica killer feature s’haurà de seguir discutint internament. A ver si ens ensenyes com es veu a la tablet, que tinc curiositat. El huevo de pasqua trobat?

  6. Fiona ADDS...

    Yay – it’s perfect guys, so good :) I think you did the perfect compromise of staying true to your old design but adding more function and being super user friendly. You guys need to give yourselves big pats on the back. I’m also super looking forward to this month and everything in store!

    2nd May 2014
    • We reply...

      Thanks!! Glad to read that it still has the same feeling as the old design. We will be giving a few tweaks to some text sizes & typography choices, but I hope this will be a more extensible design than the former one. And thanks again for being a guest blogger this month, can’t wait to show them to everyone!

  7. Jane Y. ADDS...

    i love love love the new look! and oh my gosh – that illustration of the family is the cutest ever :) congrats on the anniversary! looking forward to what this year has in store for you!

    2nd May 2014
    • We reply...

      Thanks Jane!!! ♥ ♥ The illustration comment is making me happy, I definitely need to improve my skills but was so much fun.

  8. Denise ADDS...

    The new layout is looking awesome! It’s so cute and I love the little drawing you guys made :D

    4th May 2014
    • We reply...

      Thanks Denise! :) hope the little guys resemble us!

  9. Louise ADDS...

    I’ve been away from the blogosphere for far too long. Your new template looks stunning and I love all the features. It’s changed a lot but it’s still according to your style. I’ve been very bad with commenting, but I totally love all the new stuff you guys have going on and are putting out here! Congrats for your anniversary, hope there are many more to come. You’re definitely one of my favourite bloggers!

    9th May 2014
    • We reply...

      Thanks Louise!! :) We truly feel privileged to have some awesome virtual pals as yourself! Hope you would like to make a collaboration this year!

  10. Jenny ADDS...

    looks great :D

    13th May 2014
    • We reply...

      Thanks Jenny!! Glad that you liked the change!

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