Happy 5th Blogiversary to our humble abode!
I couldn’t let this month go by without mentioning how the blog is turning into a senior, now that is reaching its 5th year. Let’s celebrate, shall we?
It’s a challenging feat to keep running a blog as petite as this while combining it with a regular (paid) job. This time, instead of mumble about it or hiding in our virtual world (sometimes guilty to be honest, ha!), I decided that this was the perfect occasion to make the blog even more real than ever by inviting you to my “real” job premises!

Some of you may already know that I work on a research group in the University, a really far away universe from the one I am able to explore in the blog. I think that duality is precisely what makes it so important for me to keep doing this blog thing: photography-wise makes me grow and having a “duty” is what makes me step out of the comfort zone and take more pics, have more ideas and create.

Dress: Compañia Fantastica (a quirky Spanish brand) / Purse: Tokyo Disneyland / Socks: TutuAnna (from Japan) / Shoes: Kling (oldies)
It was fun to dress with something I wouldn’t normally wear to my office. I work at the University so there’s not a dress code whatsoever, different from jeans and a sweatshirt/t-shirt (yay, right?) and I am able to keep my kawaii style. However, I would surely skip from this outfit the purse and I usually prefer wearing for work skirts or wide leg trousers over a sweet dress like this one. Do you have a working dress code?

The ShellieMay is a tiny purse from Tokyo Disneysea that depicts a mascot created for the park in Japan. It’s the most impractical purse I own, that only fits my mobile phone inside, but I love it so much that I can’t wait to buy another (with another character) the next time we visit.

These are my Sailor Moon socks, they are not official merchandise but they make me think about it somehow.

I know that lately there have been less posts than usual, when my real job gets too intense, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t care about the blog or that I’m just keeping it up as a routine, quite the contrary, it is even more precious to me. I don’t know if it will make sense in many more years to come, but right now I still think about it like a good olde diary that I can share with lots of interesting like-wise minded people from whom I have a lot to learn.
Am I too old-fashioned? Are blogs really becoming something else? Or even disappearing? When most people are only on Instagram, which purpose do blogs have? Having you own place, exactly as you like it, without “nasty algorithms” or “unwanted ads” is something I appreciate, here I have the freedom to construct complete stories in pictures, not only little bits.

We will make also our typical blogiversary recap in the next post to wrap the month and have been working on some news. Thanks for being here, you mean a world to us!
Oh I’ve always wondered about your regular job – thanks for this delightful glimpse! I personally love love love blogs (especially the cat you and us!) and I think there is definitely a place for them :) :) Congrats on 5 years!!!!
Thank you Fee! Our research group currently works in Big Data & Smart Cities. So, big big opposites. I love you & your blog! ♥
Ohh, I love this! I think it’s exactly what you say: Having you own place, exactly as you like it, without “nasty algorithms” or “unwanted ads”. Having the freedom to create what you want. Maybe I’m old-fashioned too, but I prefer it that way! :)
BUT, I almost forgot! Happy blogiversary!! :D
Thaaaank you! Yay for blogs & “old school” bloggers like us, ha! Super grateful that you have been supporting us & visiting our blog so long now. Love! ❤️
I’ll never tire of seeing your adorable face on here or your instagram. You’re just so cute! (Okay, too intense, sorry about that)
Yeah, I think blogs are sort of disappearing, aren’t they? People seem to want things to be instant and quick these days, but I love reading and writing blogs still. For me, my blog becomes a space where I can assess my thoughts and note them down accordingly—my mind is a bit too noisy.
As I work from home, my working clothes is basically my pajamas—I know it’s not really good for productivity, but I couldn’t be bothered to dress up. I’d love to see you in your work clothes, though! It sounds so different from your usual style. Love the duality that your life offers! I don’t really have that, hence being rather boring lol.
Congrats on five years, btw!
Alive as Always
Thank you sweetie!! ❤️ That it’s such a wonderful thing to say! I love your approach to blog of having a place to assess your thoughts.
I don’t like this new shift to instagram! I love blogs! Well, there are two reasons why I like blogs- 1) I like to read! Anything from fashion to food to just personal blogs. I like reading what people feel like writing. Heck there are blogs that I stopped following because the person didn’t have anything to write about (like fashion and food ones) and I follow “ugly” blogs because the author writes a lot.
2) I LIKE BIG PICTURES! Okay, maybe this falls into the “I’m an old fart who can’t keep up with things” since my phone is older, and therefore smaller than some of the newest versions. But I like looking at a big screen to fully appreciate all the pretty photos.
Happy Blogiversary!
So interesting to read your comment (as always! Thanks for taking time! ❤️) I guess we blog readers are usually also book readers & appreciate when there is storytelling. Biggest hug!!
Happy 5th blogiversary! I think I’m nearing my 5th blogiversary too :o // I think it’s really cool that you have a life separate and different from blogging! I think it gives the blog so much dimension. I sometimes think about what it’d be like to blog full time, mostly because people irl often ask me whether that’s something I’d ever do, but I think that what I love so much about my blog is that I have a life separate from it, and the blog is just a place to remember all those tidbits. I need a life outside of blogging, ya know? Although it may seem like blogging is my life, there’s so much more to it ;P // I’ve been loving multi-coloured stripes these last few months, and your dress is no exception! Your socks totally remind me of Sailor Moon, especially paired with those pink shoes! // Although Instagram is popular and growing, I don’t think it’ll ever be able to do what blogging does. That said, I do wonder whether blogs are “dying,” but that’s not gonna stop me from doing what I want to do (blogging)! hehe. As long as my friends keep blogging, I’ll definitely be around to check in with them! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s
Uoooo we have same age blogs! Congrats to you too! I hear what you say about having another dimension & also I’ll add maybe not losing perspective? Thank you for your support ❤️
Congrats, dear! I wish you 100 years of blogging :D
congrats girl! <3 good to see your blogpost, when i finally logged into my bloglovin after it feels like zillion years.
blogging is becoming so much rare these days!!!
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