Building family photo memories & meeting cats

Fun family times - The cat, you and us

Hi there! This time we are already back home with quite family nostalgia, missing vacations but happy with Juno following us around the house begging for attention. This is precisely the flip side of being away from home, she misses us so much that when we are back Juno becomes a lap cat… can’t complain about it!

During our holidays we went to Madrid for a few days, but before we share more of that time we would like to show you first some family pictures we took, when they were visiting us home, at a wetlands & ruins with my cousin and his fiancée (spoiler alert, ha!)

Fun family times - The cat, you and us Carabiners Delta del Llobregat - The cat, you and us

My cousin Julio has a special place in my heart because we grew up being very close to each other no matter the distance: me in the north of Spain, he just in the middle and 740 km apart. Since my auntie and my mom are from a very close-knit family we spent every year at least a month together when we were kiddos. He also has an older brother, the three of us were always playing together and they made me feel like the middle sister. They introduced me to videogames, and I vividly remember those Super Nintendo marathons or Game Boy battles during car rides.

This time Julio came home with very good news: he was engaged! With the pictures we took of them when they were almost starting to date 3 years ago in mind, I knew our pre-wedding present had to be an engagement session to display their renewed & continuous love. Luckily for us they love photography and had the same idea in mind, so they were also thrilled to take them.

For me it was not a regular session, in fact it felt more like having a hike with my family while yes, of course, taking lots of pictures of the loving couple, but just in a relaxed vibe. We even met the most affectionate stray cats and spent some time just petting (and admiring, crazy cat lady speaking) them. At the end of the session we still wanted to capture some more pictures with the four of us building memories together, thus all the photos you can see in this post happened: the in-between takes.

Delta del Llobregat preboda - The cat, you and us Delta del Llobregat - The cat, you and us Cat Delta del Llobregat - The cat, you and us Delta del Lobregat engagement cat

I love the cat photo-bombing their hug picture.

Fun family times - The cat, you and us Cat Delta del Llobregat - The cat, you and us Cat Delta del Llobregat - The cat, you and us Cat Delta del Llobregat - The cat, you and us Cat Delta del Llobregat - The cat, you and us

Sonia is such a sweetheart and is ace with animals.

Cat Delta del Llobregat - The cat, you and us Delta del Llobregat - The cat, you and us Fun family times - The cat, you and us Carabiners Delta del Llobregat preboda - The cat, you and us Fun family times - The cat, you and us

Cousins! Do you see any ressemblance between us? Blonde and blue eyes Vs brunette with dark eyes. I specially requested this picture because I remember having lots of pictures with my cousin when we were kiddos but not so much of us as grown-ups. I love having this new picture of the two of us to cherish :)

Fun family times - The cat, you and us

It was a lovely but windy afternoon and my skirt kept blowing all the time, sometimes a little too revealing. That’s the reason behind this silly fun pose with Sonia helping me to keep the skirt in its proper place while the boys are just too cool to care, ha!

Isn’t it amazing to be able to capture those memories? I can picture the four of us in a few years looking back to these relaxed & fun pictures remembering those months before these two lovebirds got married.

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  1. Jules ADDS...

    Sus loviu! Pero a tope de power!!

    19th July 2016
  2. What exciting times ahead! :D haha whenever I’m out with friends, they always mention how they need a new profile picture for Facebook LOL. Forever a photographer -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

    19th July 2016
  3. Fiona ADDS...

    aww these are so sweet and how cute are those strays – so nice to have the photo of you and your cousin to cherish – congrats to Julio and Sonia too!

    20th July 2016
  4. Bev ADDS...

    Cousins are the best! And yes, I too love the cat photo-bomb. She just wanted to join in the fun!

    21st July 2016
  5. Nieves ADDS...

    Las fotos de la casa en ruinas, son muy originales, vosotros estáis muy guapos, la excursión es fantástica, gracias por regalarnos estos momentos.

    25th July 2016
  6. Jane Y. ADDS...

    The picture with you and your cousin is the best. I also love that first picture too! How did your cousin that into that position?! :)

    28th July 2016

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