As of late… snapshots summer edition

Cosmo La Central - The cat, you and us

We are bringing the snapshots back!

A couple of days ago we were planning the calendar for the blog and had a sudden realization: we have been neglecting the snapshots section since April (!). But is never too late and we have today a refreshing summer edition with the snaps from our phones from May to August; there’s always a silver lining, right?

Want to re-enjoy the summer, but this time with us? Keep browsing! Also, don’t forget to let us know in the comments section how your summer looked like.


Kawaii giveaway - The cat, you and us

Can you consider May already to be summer? I know it actually starts on June but we already started having so much hot days (specially at the end) that I think I have a good excuse to include it. On May we visited New York City, which was a dreamy time, but we have already share too much of the city to include more pics here. Instead we have the other pics, with Juno and Dani looking for a photoshoot location.

Juno & paper - The cat, you and us Dani top terrace - The cat, you and us Dani top terrace - The cat, you and us Juno & my feet - The cat, you and us Juno in the chair - The cat, you and us


Juno in the clothes basket - The cat, you and us

On June we discovered places in Barcelona that have climbed up to the top of our eating list.

La Central café is one of those places that makes you wish you were the only one who knew about it, but it’s too cute to not share, so here it is. It’s a cafe located on the corner of a bookstore owned by the same guys of Cosmo & Cometa (favs) which is a guarantee for yummy sandwiches & perfect chai lattes. Also love their summer ice tea!

Cosmo La Central - The cat, you and us Cosmo La Central - The cat, you and us España Industrial park - The cat, you and us

There is an obvious trend in Barcelona with Baos, and I think we found our favorite at Bao Bar. They are more a re-imagination of them by using Spanish/Catalan ingredients inside the famous steamed buns.

Finally the third foodie discovery was thanks to a recommendation by our friends Marcel & Silvia: a Vietnamese restaurant called Mon Viet (which, in fact, means Vietnamese Kitchen). A part from the food, good price-quality relationship we like its industrial looks.

Bao Bar - The cat, you and us Mon Viet - The cat, you and us Mon Viet - The cat, you and us Mon Viet - The cat, you and us Mon Viet - The cat, you and us


Usagui comfort food - The cat, you and us

July was one of those months that felt much longer than the 31 days it has, with still no vacation at sight and lots of things going on at work, we spent most of the weekends at home with our Juno dreaming about August. We tried a good seafood paella for Dani’s mom birthday, paella is always a good treat!

Juno and the Beast - The cat, you and us Juno and the Beast - The cat, you and us Seafood Paella - The cat, you and us Juno sleeping in the chair - The cat, you and us


Juno the cat in a travel bag - The cat, you and us

August was an emotional month but also brought a wonderful getaway to Gloucestershire & Oxford. I only wish we could have left Juno inside the travel bag as she was in the pictures, I always miss her so much but something about her “i’m-afraid-of-everything” behavior tells me she is not the travel type, ha!

The most cute thing happens when we come back from any travel. We live in an apartment building and have to walk a (short) corridor from the elevator to our actual apartment, well, Juno starts meowing very (VERY) high just as we step outside the elevator. She can totally tell us apart & knows we are coming back home, it melts my heart every time.

Dunkirk Phenomena cinema Barcelona Juno supercat - The cat, you and us Samuel at CosmoCaixa - The cat, you and us Salvador Dalí - The cat, you and us

On August we had my family visiting, our nephew Samuel is the cutest boy although he is starting to get older (today it’s his birthday, he turns 9), has still a childlike attitude which we love. When they left, we watched Dunkirk at the movies, which was a much more enjoyable experience that I had anticipated and very thrilling, and Baby Driver, which I loved (aesthetics, music, rythm!).

I also received the best of surprises, a Moomin postcard from Copenhagen written by my lovely penpal Kate. Thanks dear!

Cactus vase & Moomin - The cat, you and us Juno kiss - The cat, you and us

September is already here, and with the start of the school year, I do want to go back to the standard a single-month-recap snapshots post and much more new projects. Not that I have something in mind, just a wish! Oh! and in 5 days it’s my birthday, I’ll make sure to show my Pinterest wishlist to Dani, ha! (just kidding!)

Happy September!

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  1. I love that first photo! The light <3 Is it from La Central Cafe as well? Also loving the photo of Dani climbing the ladder :) & Also that photo of Juno under the Dunkirk photo! Hope you had a wonderful summer, and happy early birthday! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

    2nd September 2017
  2. Kate ADDS...

    Wonderful snaps. So adorable that Juno knows when you are approaching Also very happy to see my postcard in there

    3rd September 2017
  3. Nieves ADDS...

    Qué fotos más bonitas! Dàmaris estás guapísima en la foto qué estás sentada junto a la foto de Salvador Dalí. La qué no tiene rival es juno, está amorosa en todas las poses. Qué hace Dani subiendo por las escaleras de incendio? Está muy simpático. En fin qué he disfrutado mucho viéndolas todas. Me encantan

    4th September 2017
  4. Fiona ADDS...

    Ooooh those windows in La Central café! Looks like a dream spot! I’ve been a bit distant from blogland but it’s nice to come back and catch up on all your pretty posts :) Can I also ask a favour too? I would love love to use (with credit!) that beautiful photo that has catgirl and batboy print in it! I’m putting together a little client gallery and it’s always nice to see how people style art – you guys are way too full of style to not want to include!!!

    6th September 2017
    • We reply...

      Of course you can use it! :) :) also I will take a better dlsr picture for your gallery, just let me know when you will need it. I love getting up everyday to see my batboy & catgirl <3

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