“Spring” (Summer…) home project – Part II

String pocket after - The cat, you and us

↑ After / Before ↓

String pocket before - The cat, you and us

I should first start explaining that title which seems more a joke than a proper name. Do you remember how back on Spring we changed our living room storage buying the cute white wallpapered bookshelves with doors? That post was called Part I with a purpose, we already had in mind that we didn’t want to stop at the bookshelves but also wished to change a little bit the too plain space next to them.

For years I’ve been silently (or well, Dani would say not so silently with him) stalking the Swedish String shelves in my Pinterest. It looked as the best opportunity to finally get a String and since the space was little a “pocket” version was enough – good also for our pockets, I guess the name is after that? ha!

Another decoration idea I had in mind was using cute cups as plant pots for cactus and succulents somewhere in our home, so I thought they could look super nice in our new shelf and we planned a visit to our favorite (& best looking) garden center in Barcelona: Hivernacle.

Our cousin Elena was so kind as to join us in today’s cactus searching and shelf decorating adventure. Want to join our gang?

Hivernacle - The cat, you and us

We bought our cactus and succulents at a local & amazing store called Hivernacle located on an impressive brick building.

Hivernacle - The cat, you and us

Plants hanging above the ceiling and climbing the walls, isn’t it gorgeous?

Hivernacle - The cat, you and us Hivernacle - The cat, you and us Hivernacle - The cat, you and us Hivernacle - The cat, you and us

Elena helped me selecting a cactus for each of the cups we already had bought, we had a picture in my phone so we could double check the size.

Hivernacle - The cat, you and us Hivernacle - The cat, you and us Hivernacle - The cat, you and us Hivernacle - The cat, you and us

Installing a String is quite straightforward, you should start fixing one of the sides in the wall and then calculate the other one accordingly; it helps using one of the shelves. The color is a lilac pink, which was a little surprising, I thought it would be more chewing gum pink but I think it is nice anyways!

String pocket before - The cat, you and us

Beautiful dust pink String pocket shelf.

String pocket before - The cat, you and us

Once we got back from the garden center the fun began at home, we laid everything in our dining room table (don’t worry I cleaned thoroughly afterwards!) and started transplanting the cactus.

Donna Wilson egg holder - The cat, you and us Cactus - The cat, you and us Corazon de galleta - The cat, you and us

Elena’s pencils necklace is from Corazon de Galleta.

Cactus - The cat, you and us Cactus - The cat, you and us Cactus - The cat, you and us Cactus - The cat, you and us

Don’t we look very ladylike? A cup of tea for two!

Cactus - The cat, you and us

Although Juno is very shy when we have visits at home, she couldn’t resist joining us, specially when she realized that plants were involved. She…loves…anything green!

Cactus - The cat, you and us

Two of our pots: an egg holder from Donna wilson and a cup from House of Rym.

Cactus - The cat, you and us Cactus - The cat, you and us

Juno the inspector, two cups are already validated, not bad!

Black cat white cat - The cat, you and us

Do you remember that Santa brought Juno this print from Miju Lee?

String pocket pink cactus - The cat, you and us

And here are the four of them together, quite nice, aren’t they?

String pocket pink cactus - The cat, you and us

The legged guy is from Wacamole ceramic, love it!

We are happy with our new space: cactus, cute cups, a cat print and Piri’s crane to send daily good vibes to our favorite doggie. And… can’t finish this post without sharing with you the sweet doodle Elena made to remember this fun day together! Thanks girl! ♥

DIY day doodle - The cat, you and us
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  1. I love what you did with the cups and the cactuts, so cute! This Hivernacle place looks amazing.

    10th August 2015
  2. omg those “pots” are soooo cute!! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

    10th August 2015
  3. Fiona ADDS...

    so excited to come visit your blog after seeing your instagram photo! I love how cute your space is and I love your cactus choices and the containers to house them in :) I own one cactus myself and he’s similar to your red fella! Even though a bubblegum pink would have been kick-arse for the shelf I think the violet pink works really well and that cat print really makes the space so so cute *love*

    11th August 2015
  4. Jane Y. ADDS...

    I love the shelving and the planters you used! And oh the crane! i love that it’s there!! :)

    11th August 2015
  5. Denysia Yu ADDS...

    Your home looks lovely! :)

    12th August 2015
  6. Mariko ADDS...

    What an amazing looking garden center. I’m also in need of some cacti/succulents for my office. I love having green around me. I find it so inspiring.

    12th August 2015
  7. Kate ADDS...

    I too lust after String shelves. I recently spotted a lovely one for my kitchen – just have to press that buy button! That looks like the garden centre of my dreams! So much more exciting than British ones. I love how you decorated the shelves – perfect!

    25th August 2015

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