Still here

Sant Jordi 2016 - The cat, you and us

Hello there! How is everything going on for you? I'm just now slowly recovering from one of the worst flu I remember, which threw myself into bed for around 5 days, without being able neither to eat nor to move. Well, happily that's old news, and I'm still here on the blog at full throttle! Or let's say at semi-full throttle because a stubborn cold persists, but that's really a nuisance I don't want to care too much about after I survived the big bug!

Sant Jordi 2016 - The cat, you and us Sant Jordi 2016 - The cat, you and us Sant Jordi 2016 - The cat, you and us

No make-up & out-of-the-shower look for today's post. Juno on the other hand is as pretty as she always is! ;)

Since on Saturday I was almost on my way to mend, I couldn't miss the festive day of Sant Jordi, which we celebrate in Barcelona (it's a national Catalonian day, in fact) giving roses and books. One rose to the girl and a book to the boy, although certainly this has happily changed a lot and now girls can get even more books than boys do, are we women more of a book worm?

Sant Jordi 2016 - The cat, you and us Sant Jordi 2016 - The cat, you and us

We went for a short walk in the city center to get a glimpse of the festive ambiance, and you couldn't believe the amount of people gathered around La Rambla (the heart location of Sant Jordi)! I bet some tourist was surprised by what was happening with so many book stalls and flowers. The tradition is one of the prettiest we have, books are always a great idea to gift to your beloved ones!

Sant Jordi 2016 - The cat, you and us Sant Jordi 2016 - The cat, you and us

Are you reading some interesting book I should include in my list? I would love to know about your reading list or favorite stories!

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  1. Mariko ADDS...

    What a wonderful holiday. I’d love to receive random books, or flowers.

    25th April 2016
    • We reply...

      It’s fun to go to the bookshop that day and see which book the other people is getting for their beloved ones ;) I’m such a gossip of love!

  2. What a lovely tradition! I’m currently reading All the Light We Cannot See :) Get well soon! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

    26th April 2016
    • We reply...

      Thanks for the well wishes lovely Audrey! Checking the book right now, thanks! :*

  3. Kimmy ADDS...

    Adorable holiday. But I’m glad the tradition has changed, because books are for everybody!
    I just picked up some poetry books by Michael Faudet and Lang Leav. I’m loving them both so much!

    26th April 2016
    • We reply...

      Oh! Good recommendation, thanks! I definitely can’t end the day without a book in my hand :)

  4. Fiona ADDS...

    What a sweet sweet holiday – roses are one of my most favourite flowers and before I die it’s my wish to have my very own rose garden! Sorry to hear about your flu, five days – holy moly!! Glad you’re on the up though :) :)

    26th April 2016
    • We reply...

      Thanks dear Fee for the good wishes! :* A rose garden is a lovely lovey thing to wish.

  5. pratiksha ADDS...

    i am glad that you are recovering from flu and also cold. warm hug to you.
    And what an interesting tradition of giving roses and books! oh i would love to receive both. <3
    But juno looks more interested in roses ;-)

    28th April 2016
    • We reply...

      Thanks for the recovering hug, you’re very sweet! :) Juno definitely is more excited about roses than books, ha! The minute the roses arrived she couldn’t take her eyes off them. Even now, from time to time takes a deep look to where they are seating (too high for her bite ;P).

  6. Anna ADDS...

    Nina! Ostres, me n’alegro que estiguis millor! Naltros (i dic naltros perquè a casa ho compartim, quan cau un caiem tots) també vam estar amb virus la setmana passada, i l’escapada de Sant Jordi va ser un cop de cap de darrer moment! Ens en moriem de ganes, però amb el panorama setmanal no veiem gens clar que poguéssim venir. Hem de parlar. Petons!!

    29th April 2016
    • We reply...

      Guapa!! Ostres, sí, tens raó, jo sempre que un dels dos cau ja estic patint per quan cau l’altre ;) Li va agradar a en Bernat l’ambientasso de Sant Jordi? Nosaltres no vam poder donar gaire volta perque jo estava bastant xungueta encara i ens vam perdre la casa Battló, però feia molt bona pinta a la teva foto. Un petó enooorme als 3!

  7. Elisse ADDS...

    Yay for finally feeling better! :) For book tips, I suggest you take a look at Goodreads. It is one of the best decisions ever to make an account and keep track of what you’re reading, what you want to read, how you liked a book, etc. It has definitely made me reading a lot more over the past years!

    30th April 2016
  8. Jane Y. ADDS...

    Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that you were so sick!! Here’s so no more sick days!! xx

    3rd May 2016
    • We reply...

      Awww, thanks! I have been so inactive in my favorite blogs lately due to the flu and trying to be completely recovered. I certainly want to keep on track during May!

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