The lion and the lamb, and our kawaii Halloween 2019 decor!

Halloween 2019 home decor - The cat, you and us

Happy Halloween my dear enchanting ones!

I’ve always been a fan of cute spooky films, like Nightmare before Christmas, rather than gory films, so it’s not surprise that we prefer also this same aesthetics to decorate our home for the season! Do you usually change decorations seasonally? Although it’s super fun I actually only do it twice, for Christmas and Halloween, and concentrate my efforts in the living room.

This year I’ve added my ghosties (check here to see how we DIY-ed them!), fresh pumpkins and DIY bats. Daniel specially loves the black cardboard bats which are mega-easy to create. I downloaded the bat templates from Google with a quick search of “bat shape templates”. Remember that any image you like will be ok because you don’t need an image with good quality. Even though you may want to resize it bigger, since you will only be tracing the shape into a black cardboard, super pixelated images also do the job. I selected 4 different shapes for the bats because I find it cuter rather than having the same one resized.

Halloween 2019 home decor - The cat, you and us Halloween 2019 home decor - The cat, you and us

Do you know this character? It’s Anpanman! A very popular character for kids in Japan. This last spring, we came home from Japan with two anpanman related items in our suitcase, this vinyl figure and a vintage ceramic mug (spy it on the next picture, higher shelf!)

Halloween 2019 home decor - The cat, you and us

I am very happy with the pumpkins we have been able to collect this year. I know probably some of you will live in a place where it’s easy to buy pumpkins, but I find it quite hard to find beautiful fresh medium-small pumpkins in Barcelona. Also, the prices are quite high for something that (sadly) it will expire in a few months. Just as a reference, the orange pumpkin I have in my hands in the following photos was 4.5 € what would it cost in your hometown? Also, do you have pumpkin patches? Is it fun to visit?

Halloween 2019 home decor - The cat, you and us
Halloween 2019 home decor - The cat, you and us

Corpse bride figurine on the left, Tokyo Disneysea Halloween tsum tsum on the right.

Halloween 2019 home decor - The cat, you and us

Fun lion shirt c/o Compañia Fantastica, wide-leg trousers oldies from Zara (similar)

Halloween 2019 home decor - The cat, you and us
Halloween 2019 home decor - The cat, you and us
Halloween 2019 home decor - The cat, you and us
Halloween 2019 home decor - The cat, you and us Halloween 2019 home decor - The cat, you and us Halloween 2019 home decor - The cat, you and us
Halloween 2019 home decor - The cat, you and us
Halloween 2019 home decor - The cat, you and us
Halloween 2019 home decor - The cat, you and us

We’ll host a dinner party on the 1st with Elena and Eugeni, and tradition says will be eating our weight on chestnuts and sweet pumpkins, ha! The Nintendo switch is ready for them with Luigi’s mansion (eep!) and our Spotify Halloween music list will be on all night!

Happy Halloween to all haunting souls from spooky Juno

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  1. Nieves ADDS...

    Qué fotos más bonitas! Está todo muy bien decorado! Juno está graciosísima con el gorrito. Feliz Halloween!

    30th October 2019
  2. Fee ADDS...

    Eep so fun!! The colours and all the items grouped together are perfect! Ben loves Halloween but he is away at work so it slipped by unnoticed this year. In Australia (or at least the part I’m in) it’s pretty subtly celebrated. I think manly because it’s hard to have those fall/winter feels when it’s all about spring and flowers and warm sunny days :) :) I do love the idea of celebrating that change of season though and making fun rituals!!

    1st November 2019
  3. Isabel ADDS...

    Such cute decorations! I especially like those little ghosts <3
    The only seasonal decor we did this halloween was picking some dried plants from the countryside that we placed in a vase in our living room and carving two big pumpkins the week of halloween. Sadly, once you carve them, you are lucky if they last one week. But at least they were a lot cheaper: 3.99 per big pumpkin in Lidl in Munich. Maybe they have them in the Lidl in Barcelona too?

    Loved the editing on your pictures :)


    4th November 2019

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