US Roadtrip: In the woods

The Yosemite National Park was one of those things that was already added to our list even before knowing the route, just like the Grand Canyon. We are neither athletic nor camping people but we do enjoy a lot a quiet and playful walk in the woods; hiking for us is more like what a little kid will do in the forest, casual walk and jumping up and down the trees :)

As we have already mentioned in the Mariposa post, a terrible fire was affecting the Yosemite park while we were there. It started a week before our flight to Los Angeles and was supposed to last to at least the beginnings of October. It was a horrible piece of news. When I was a little girl my grandparents had a house in the countryside and every summer a fire somehow was menacing the surroundings, I really can remember only one single time when we were really scared for an evacuation but every year a fire was near there, so I may be extra conscious (and scared) of them.

However we learnt that thanks to the excellent firemen work and the fact that the park is humongous (3000 km2 which is 761,268 acres) like 3 parts of it were exactly like nothing was happening. The only thing that was not so safe was following our initial route entering the park from the Mono Lake, but as Diana and Willie (our Mariposa hosts) pointed us showing us a Yosemite’s webcam, the rest of the park had bright blue skies. That put our minds at rest!

We finally visited Mariposa grove, the most impressive Sequoia’s forest, Tunnel view and hiked the Sentinel Dome a little peek that once on the top it gives 360º views of the park. The Bridalveil falls were also in our route. We had really not given much thought to it (city mice fault?), because obviously the falls were dry during the summer so not even a single drop of water to see ;)

Here is more true than ever, a picture speaks a thousand words, so we will leave you with them on the left side. Climb the trees with us!

** This post is part of our US road trip series **

Albert at Yosemite - The cat, you and us Dani at Mariposa Grove- The cat, you and us

We learnt that when a tree falls in the forest it is left there for regenerative purposes.

Damaris at yosemite - The cat, you and us

My not very hiking-like backpack.

Yosemite signs - The cat, you and us Yosemite wood - The cat, you and us

Boys playing :)

Playing on yosemite - The cat, you and us

Albert would make a good trapezist.

Albert in danger - The cat, you and us

We saw an empty sequoia, and Albert was brave enough to explore it. Mostly spiderwebs and a very black hole he found :)

Walking in the Yosemite - The cat, you and us Dani at yosemite - The cat, you and us 'Un palo, un paaaaalo!' - The cat, you and us

“Un palo! Un paalooo!” Sorry for the Spanish joke :) There is a popular ad right now on tv with a kid very excited when they parents give him a simple wood stick (“un palo” in Spanish) as a birthday present.

Yosemite - The cat, you and us Tunnel view at yosemite - The cat, you and us

Tunnel view and the cutest park ranger, she wore hair braids.

Anna + Albert at Tunnel View - The cat, you and us Sentinel Dome - The cat, you and us Sentinel Dome - The cat, you and us

Climbing uphill the Sentinel Dome.

Climbing to Sentinel Dome - The cat, you and us

Right here!

Sentinel Dome in B/W - The cat, you and us Views from Sentinel Dome - The cat, you and us Damaris + Dani at Sentinel dome - The cat, you and us

Goofing around, weird in us right? ;)

Damaris + Dani at Sentinel dome - The cat, you and us

My Helly Kitty sneakers were not so pink and white anymore, she needed a bath.

Damaris at Sentinel Dome - The cat, you and us
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  1. Mariko ADDS...

    What a beautiful place. I really need to go there some time.

    5th November 2013
    • We reply...

      Spring must be a good time to visit Yosemite to (unlike us :p) be able to see the falls!

  2. Gerard ADDS...

    Un paratge preciós, i unes grans fotos també!!!

    5th November 2013
    • We reply...

      Merci Gerard! Tu que ets muntanyer ho disfrutaries molt! :)

  3. Albert ADDS...

    Yei! Per fi una mica de verdor i arbres! Com dieu el que més impacta, a banda de les dimensions de tot plegat, que ja passats 10 dies ho veus com normal, és veure tots aquests arbres tirats pel terra, i molts d’ells amb parts cremades per petits incendis. Molt curiós.

    5th November 2013
    • We reply...

      Jejeje sí ja tocava canviar el taronja dels deserts pel verd ;) merci per comentar lo dels micro incendis, és veritat que ens va resultar molt sorprenent a tots.

  4. Awww beautiful places and photos! Can’t wait for next episode :) – photography diary and more

    5th November 2013
    • We reply...

      Thanks Nadia!!! :) Next episode will be in San Francisco!

  5. TJ ADDS...

    I absolutely love nature! You take the best photographs! Just lovely ;)
    xo TJ

    5th November 2013
    • We reply...

      Oh! Thanks TJ!! :)

  6. Aw! Hiking is one of my favorite activities. I love these pictures

    6th November 2013
    • We reply...

      :) thanks! we should definitely add more hiking in our adventures.

  7. Jane Y. ADDS...

    wow. beautiful beautiful place. i would love to go to yosemite one day. those fires can be so scary! i remember when we were in maui we couldn’t get to the other side of the island because of a brush fire. glad you got to go and take these lovely pictures! hat tip to fire fighters! :)

    6th November 2013
    • We reply...

      You should go to the park, Piri would love the Yosemite :) A fire blocking one part of the island looks very scary :S We also add our appreciation for fire fighters! Thanks for thinking about it Jane!

  8. sara ADDS...

    more adventure :)

    6th November 2013
    • We reply...

      The adventure will go now to San Francisco, less nature but awesome place as well :)

  9. Marlen ADDS...

    haha your pictures look SO fun, it must have been amazing walking through all that nature and seeing those huge trees. i love aimlessly hiking around, especially since im surrounded by cities all the time =P

    xo marlen
    Messages on a Napkin

    6th November 2013
    • We reply...

      Sequoias are really impressive, but even knowing it, when you are there the feeling is so incredible! :)

  10. Fiona ADDS...

    eep! Postcard perfect pictures! I’m glad your Yosemite adventures weren’t cancelled and you got to have a lot of fun exploring. I have those exact hello kitty sneakers and mine are looking a little shabby but I’m a bit scared to wash them in case they fall apart or something :P So many favourite pics from this post but I think I especially like the couple shots! Ahhh I’m a romantic :)

    p.s. lol @ that ad, so funny!

    7th November 2013
    • We reply...

      We have the same Hello Kitty sneakers! yei! :) I’m also very protective with them, just hand-washing they are never going to the washing machine.

  11. Deniz ADDS...

    Sad to hear about this fire, but at least you can still go there. I love this kind of forests even I’m not a hiker or camper as in the same situation with you :) Especially I wonder about Grand Canyon, I hope you took some pics over there as well.

    I like the sense of your pics, they are always funny :)


    7th November 2013
    • We reply...

      Oh great to hear that! Sometimes we think that are the only ones not fitted as campers, hahaha. Although Yosemite was amazing, I think I still have my heart in the desert, it is a hard choice. Hugs!!

  12. Staci Cooper ADDS...

    i am beyond jealous of this trip!!!! yosemite is on my bucket list and these pictures are just so lovely!

    xo staci

    19th November 2013
  13. Elena ADDS...

    La última foto es……PRECIOSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Guapaaaaaaaaaa

    3rd June 2015
    • We reply...

      Meeerci guapiiiiii! és una de les meves preferides del viatge! :) :)

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