Happy 2015!

Happy 2015 - The cat, you and us

Happy New Year 2015!!!!

At this time of year it’s almost impossible to avoid looking back at what the year has brought and to think about which are your hopes for the new one. I guess it’s a good exercise to do so because you then realize how many good things have really happened, I tend to remember about what we missed but it’s important to not take all the goodness and beauty around us for granted.

We have already told you how we are not ones to make goals lists because it makes us extra nervous and we already tend to be those of the obsessive type (specially one of us, and I will only tell that is not Juno neither myself ;) ) However since 2015 sounds like a good year we will make one exception: we are going to make a short (and quite silly, forgive us) list for the blog!

  • To be able to take pictures of Juno without using the malt trick or having a “cat on the run” scene, and psst… we are bringing back CATWEEK 2015 edition!
  • Engage and host guest bloggers in a new collaborative series, whom are waaaay more interesting than our usual blabbing ;)
  • To welcome someone from South Dakota once again, although the main visits to our blog come from the United States (thanks!!!!) since we created the blog we have only scored 1 single visit from that state (in 549 days!). What’s wrong with us South Dakotanians? ;)
  • Getting at least one cat clothing item for each of us (Juno included!), I know…is this blog related?! of course, we need to bring our trademark wherever we go for the blog’s sake… ehem…
  • To receive a comment telling us about how terrible (or terribly cheesy) is the “easter egg” we hide on the website during the last redesign.
  • We finally wish to feel as much loved as we do now by all of you guys, thanks for all your words, likes, visits and following. I know I sound sometimes like a broken record but our lives have now more smiles thanks to you!

Here’s for an adventurous 2015! ♥

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  1. Kathryn ADDS...

    I must admit these are my favorite New Years resolutions that I’ve seen anyone post so far. Especially because of Catweek!! Here’s to an amazing 2015!

    xx Kathryn

    1st January 2015
  2. Fiona ADDS...

    CATWEEK woooohoo! You know what’s funny I was just thinking of doing your malt trick for Gremlin but perhaps it leads you down a bad malt dependent path. Cats (or animals) are tricky because they don’t take direction too well :P Gremlin seems to surprise me everything I photograph him and I would say maybe Juno does too, because you guys always seem to get great photos of her (well she is a professional model too :P)

    Enough about Malt though, here’s to a fun 2015 of blogging!!! *cheers*

    1st January 2015
  3. Ice Pandora ADDS...

    Wahhhh we love your usual blabbering :P
    And that’s a nice list of goals and posts to
    look forward ^__^ happy 2015! Xx

    4th January 2015
  4. Jane Y. ADDS...

    Happy New Year! I hope 2015 is just as fulfilling and full of wonderful experiences and growth for you! xoxo

    5th January 2015
  5. Louise ADDS...

    Ahhh, I love your blog! – And I totally just went on a hunt for a proper Easter egg on your website, alas I couldn’t find it. I am already looking forward to Catweek 2015! I hope this year will be a great, great year for you guys!

    6th January 2015
    • We reply...

      Awwwwww big love for you Louise for trying to find our Easter egg!! :) I can’t reveal it since it’s terrible cheesy, hahaha, but it’s a clickable “link” somewhere in the main structure area (hint) :) Wishing you awesome 2015 adventures!

  6. petra ADDS...

    happy new year to you too xoxo

    6th January 2015

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