Homemade gyoza, oishii!

Homemade gyoza - The cat, you and us

Hello there! Today we have quite an unusual post to share, a recipe!

We tend to eat too much outside home, I’m not talking about restaurant dates, but everyday grab-something type. Because we both have a continuous working day schedule which usually ends late we are too tempted to just grab something to eat afterwards instead of cooking at home. I’m sure some of you may also relate to this, although maybe not with our very crazy eating hours (even for Spanish standards, ha!). However, with the winter we try to eat more at home which is not only healthier but also cuts expenses and as a super bonus, it just feels the best to be at home with the cold weather.

With this in mind we seized the weekend to cook homemade gyozas so we could freeze them and cook something in just a few minutes when we come late and exhausted from work. They are super yummy and quite easy, would you like to try them yourself?

Homemade gyoza - The cat, you and us

To make 24 gyozas you will need…

Ingredients for the wrappers:

  • 200 gr flour, 100gr slightly boiled water, 1/2 tsp salt
  • Ingredients for the filling:

  • 250 gr ground pork – you could also skip this for yaki-gyoza, 1 cup cabbage, 1/4 cup shredded carrot, 1/4 cup chopped onion, 2 and 1/2 garlic cloves, 1 tsp grated ginger, 1/2 tsp sesame oil, 1/2 tsp salt
  • Ingredients for the sauce:

  • 2 tbsp soy sauce, 2 tbsp mirin sauce, 1 garlic cloves, 1/2 tsp grated ginger, 1/2 tsp sesame oil
Homemade gyoza - The cat, you and us

We split tasks between Dani and myself, I was in charge of the filling and the complete cooking process while Dani focused on making the wrappers, he is the dough chef of our duo. I started mixing in a bowl all the filling ingredients while Dani sifted out the flour directly inside the Kitchen aid bowl. He later on added salt to the slightly boiled water and poured it into the flour.

Homemade gyoza - The cat, you and us Homemade gyoza - The cat, you and us

We used the Kitchen aid to mix the dough well. We then split the dough in half and made two rolls, cut them in 12 slices each. We have 24 slices in total that will be used to make 24 wrappers with the help of a rolling pin. A useful tip to make a more perfect wrapper is to use a circle mold like the one in the picture.

Homemade gyoza - The cat, you and us Homemade gyoza - The cat, you and us Homemade gyoza - The cat, you and us Homemade gyoza - The cat, you and us Homemade gyoza - The cat, you and us

Juno was not very impressed with our cooking skills ;)

Homemade gyoza - The cat, you and us

Then it starts the crafty part, you should dip one finger in water, then “glue” together both sides while following this wavy typical gyoza pattern. If you would like to go faster you could also close them using a fork, but they will look more like a pastry or Argentinean empanada.

Homemade gyoza - The cat, you and us Homemade gyoza - The cat, you and us Homemade gyoza - The cat, you and us Homemade gyoza - The cat, you and us

Voilà! Aren’t they looking cute all together?

Homemade gyoza - The cat, you and us

Let’s move now to the kitchen to cook them, shall we? Steam all the gyozas until the wrapper is looking translucent. I always add a little oil to my steamer so they don’t stick, you could also use a cooking spray. As mediterranean folks we have to use pure olive oil from a classic oilcan (it’s the same type my grandma had at home, so I am very fond with it!). Finally, just slightly fry them on a pan and you have them!

Homemade gyoza - The cat, you and us Homemade gyoza - The cat, you and us Homemade gyoza - The cat, you and us Homemade gyoza - The cat, you and us

Don’t forget to mix the sauce ingredients! Gyozas aren’t gyozas without a good dipping sauce. You can also add green onions to make the sauce look cuter, but we were out of them.

Homemade gyoza - The cat, you and us Homemade gyoza - The cat, you and us


Do you have your own gyoza recipe? Please don’t hesitate to share! Which one is your favorite Japanese food? We love everything Japanese, food on the top I guess!


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  1. Louise ADDS...

    Oh wow, you guys made the dough yourself! That’s amazing! I usually go for the pre-packaged sheets from the freezer section. But making it at home should even make it better. These look so good and cute. – Thanks for sharing!

    Also, you guys have the nicest aprons!

    9th February 2016
    • We reply...

      Thanks! I love that Dani’s apron is Mickey Mouse ;) mine is not officially Minnie but I see a resemblance too. We have been tempted to buy the pre-packaged sheets from time to time but we either buy the whole gyoza frozen or make it ourselves from scratch, I see that a compromise in the middle would be great too! :)

  2. Mariko ADDS...

    Truly, nothing beats homemade gyoza, but I so rarely find time to block out the whole day it takes to make them. And even then I usually cheat and use wonton wrappers. Kudos to you for making the dough from scratch. My baachan would be mega impressed!

    9th February 2016
    • We reply...

      It’s a good thing to make a big batch so you can enjoy the work for a few days afterwards :) I’ll try also your “cheat” with the wonton wrappers, I bet they taste great too!

  3. Kate ADDS...

    Oh I am very impressed with your gyoza making skills. I have never made them myself – we just buy them frozen but the dipping sauce is always homemade if that counts for anything :) I must try making some veggie ones! I am also Japanese food crazy. I love Korokke, all the pickles and Nasu dengaku!! This is making me hungry :)

    9th February 2016
    • We reply...

      Oh! veggie ones, definitely! I love the veggie version :) Ommmm I think I tried Korokke from a stand in Kyoto, but not sure if they were actually Korokke or not, it look similar at least. I was sitting next to the stand looking with amazement while two cute ladies buying from the booth looked at me and exclaimed: oishii! :) Of course I had to buy after them ;) Oh! I’m rambling, sorry! Off to grab something to eat, hahaha!

  4. Sharon ADDS...

    Very nice! This is making me hungry, would love to try making them myself one day :)

    10th February 2016
    • We reply...

      Thanks Sharon! They are so fun to make because it’s almost like a craft :) And they definitely turn out super yummy!

  5. Kristien ADDS...

    I LOVE gyoza! It’s one of my favourite dishes and I always order it in Japanese restaurants. Kudos for making the dough yourself as well! I’m stealing the recipe for later ;)

    10th February 2016
    • We reply...

      Oh! Let us know if you make them! :) We are also big gyoza fans, we didn’t have any during our trip to Japan, and is something I regret, I hope I can make amends in the future ;)

  6. Kati ADDS...

    I’m in the very lucky position that my boyfriend loves to cook and makes me a delicious dinner every night!


    11th February 2016
  7. Fiona ADDS...

    oh wow, they turned out super perfect, I’m sure they were super yum too! I love cooking, some days the thought of attempting something like a handmade dough might make me curl into a corner though (he he he – amazed at your effort to make it all handmade!) On a random side note, I love love both your aprons – eep so cute, Mickey and Minnie!!!!

    12th February 2016
  8. petra ADDS...

    wow, I’m impressed. I love gyozas, but that’s A LOT of work :)

    12th February 2016
  9. Amanda ADDS...

    Ohhhh yum, I’d love to make homemade dumplings! They’re definitely my weakness. You guys are just so cute!

    14th February 2016
  10. Jane Y. ADDS...

    that is pretty amazing how you made the skin as well! every time we make dumpling we always buy it pre-made! i think i tried one year to make it but it was just too much!! looks delicious guys!!

    19th February 2016
  11. Pratiksha ADDS...

    looks very tempting! whenever i have to make simple japanese food i almost always make onigiri ;)

    22nd February 2016
  12. Yelny ADDS...

    I love the way you cook, so clean and tidy. Lucky you having a husband who has good skill in cooking. I’m waiting for your other recipes :)


    23rd February 2016

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