Instax challenge: May 2015

Instax challenge - The cat, you and us

May is almost at an end but we couldn’t miss our date with the Instax Challenge for this month: 5 completed, 7 to go!

We took this picture during a love session with two cutie patooties and is also a big spoiler because we are even still going through the digital pics, selecting and editing them. But of course, we will share them on the blog as soon as they are ready. We are happy that the photography plan is at full throttle — add here our exhausted but super hopeful smiles.

Do you have any special plan for the weekend? Ours include resting (I’m on recovery, my stomach is slowly going to a regular state) and Lightroom, lots of Lightroom ;) Oh! yes I almost forgot about the lesson learnt this month: since we only take one pic per month I usually get very conscious about its quality to publish it here as part of the Instax Challenge completely forgetting what “instax” means. Polaroids and Instax are precisely made to be fresh, I will then try to focus more on “meaningful” instead of “perfection”.

Have a nice weekend and end of month!

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  1. petra ADDS...

    nice. and happy weekend to you too xo

    31st May 2015
    • We reply...

      xxx Petra! :)

  2. Ahh I’ve been so out of it! For some reason I didn’t know about your Instax challenge earlier, but I love it! I might have to take on this project for 2016 if you don’t mind :P -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

    1st June 2015
    • We reply...

      Of course, it would be so much fun to follow your challenge the next year! :) Do you own an Instax wide, mini or a Polaroid?

  3. Jane Y. ADDS...

    Hope you had a lovely weekend~ The moment captured here is lovely~

    4th June 2015
    • We reply...

      Thanks! The love photo session was so much fun & refreshing! :)

  4. Fiona ADDS...

    One photo a month, although easy to maintain does makes it slightly stressful to be an amazing photo huh? Well I think so for myself, but as you guys say it’s just a in-the-moment type shot – a snap in time :) Shall remember that for this month’s shot – which I’m still thinking about :P Oops! So excited for all your photography adventures and I totally love this shot because we get a behind the scenes peek – for me that makes it perfect :)

    15th June 2015

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