Mac & (gouda) cheese

I have engaged our lovely helper (aka Juno) to share with you today two brand news that are strongly related to the post title. The first one maybe is the most obvious: a new Mac laptop! My workmates know how I had been complaining for more than a year of how slow and outdated was my computer; I am not kidding when I tell you that it took like 20 minutes to start up and the same applied when I had to open heavy consuming applications; that was very unproductive for work and a pain whenever we needed to do something with image editing. So, finally a MacBook Air arrived to the rescue (and to my excitement)!

As it is my first time ever with an Apple laptop, I am now starting to learn the basics and have watched several tutorials to help move from a Windows to an Apple OS. I have learnt how to use the “cmd” key, that type of simple things (wonder!) and all the movements of the mouse trackpad (that was really easy to start obsessing about)

I know many of you must be very advanced Apple users, so I thought I could ask for your skilful advice: is there any essential application I should have? Do you have any tricks like shortcut keywords and so? well, anything will be helpful for this silly beginner!

The second new is that we are going to be in Amsterdam next week for a couple days! I’m really looking forward to visit the city as lots of wonderful images pop in my mind of the canals, colorful houses and thousands of bikes everywhere. I will be there on work due for a day, but then Dani will join me for a couple days more to explore the city; let’s cross fingers the weather will be nice to us. The trip has been a very last minute thing and we have not had enough time to look up in blogs for recommendations, so again I come to you to ask for advice: Have you ever been to Amsterdam? or Are you living there right now? What should we not miss for the world? Is there any secret hidden place that you think we will love? Where is the best place to buy/eat cheese? (I had to ask, we are cheese nuts).

I can’t wait to hear all your recommendations, we are all ears! :)

Mac and Juno - The cat, you and us

Juno suggested that she may introduce me to the new (to me) laptop, she is a smarty pants girl.

Juno is my profile image - The cat, you and us

She even added herself as the profile image. She chose her favorite moment, eating the malt paste.

Juno very into the Mac - The cat, you and us

She seems good!

Half cat half mac - The cat, you and us

Half cat, half mac.

Mac and guide - The cat, you and us

…and like this she is gone, we have a little Houdini at home.

Amsterdam lonely planet -The cat, you and us

Amsterdam! We bought the small lonely planet because we are (sadly) only visiting for a couple days and because we (secretly) hope we will have extra more valuable tips from you :)

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  1. Ice Pandora ADDS...

    Omggg you coming to my country :D I really wishing you
    guys a good trip ^__^ this book is a nice tip I think!
    And congratulations with your new Mac laptop! I’m a
    Windows girl so I can’t share you any tips and tricks :c

    27th March 2014
    • We reply...

      So excited!! It will be my first time in your country. Wish we could make a little road trip around, next time! Is there anything to eat I shouldn’t miss?

  2. Fiona ADDS...

    Ahh a MAC! I have yet to go to the mac side but as everyone raves about it – especially for image editing it may be my next computer choice :) Can you keep us updated on how it goes and whether you become a mac converted girl?

    As for Amsterdam, I sadly cannot give recommendations but I am super excited to see your adventures!!

    28th March 2014
    • We reply...

      I also heard so many good things about image and video editing, I’ll make an update post when I am totally converted ;)

  3. Lucila ADDS...

    Oh! Un MacBook Air! Es teu-teu o teu-de la feina? (jo tambe en vull un… meu-meu… tot i que Apple es Mordor pero… oh well…:-)
    (Disculpeu la falta d’accents pero soc al pc de la feina) Amsterdam! La veritat es que no es de les meves ciutats preferides d’Holanda. La part “historica” es massa turistica i els museus, no estan malament, pero els millors son a L’Haia. Tot i aixi, us puc recomanar un parell de coses: hi ha molta gent que viu en barcos als canals, moltes son veritables cases de luxe i es mooooooooooolt divertit dedicar-se a mirar-les i fer fotos… Tambe estic gairebe segura que hi ha diversos hotels / restaurants en aqusts barcos de canal, si en trobeu algun jo ho provaria! I l’altra cosa que us voldria recomanar no es ben be a Amsterdam: es Haarlem, una ciutat que si no recordo malament es a 15 minuts en tren d’Amsterdam (de fet em sembla que avui dia es considera un suburbi d’Amsterdam). Haarlem es una meravella i una delicia!! S’ha quedat igual que com era al segle XVII, que es l’epoca d’esplendor de les ciutats holandeses, pero alhora no es gens turistic, i recordo que els carrers i les cases eren monissims. A part de passejar, hi ha un moli que es pot visitar amb uns guies encantadors, i un museu precios: el Frans Haals Museum, que crec que esta en un edifici historic, es petit i assequible, i te una mostra excel.lent de pintura holandesa del XVII… tot plegat una experiencia molt mes agradable i autentica que el mastodontic Rijksmusem d’Amsterdam.
    I l’ultima cosa: a Holanda tots els noms propis (de ciutats per exemple) s’accentuen al fina. Resulta que Gouda es una ciutat (el formatge be d’alla). I a mes “ou” en holandes es pronuncia “au”, i la G es una JJJJ forta. Es a dir, per demanar formatge gouda i que us entenguin, haurieu de dir alguna cosa semblant a “jaudá”. Si, ja se que sona raro. Pero es que els holandesos son raros :-)
    Passeu-vos-ho molt be!!

    28th March 2014
    • We reply...

      Merci guapa!! Estarem molt poc temps a la ciutat perque vaig per la feina, però té una pintassa lo de Haarlem! A veure si hi podem anar, portaré anotats els trens. Tindré en compte lo de jaudá, jejejeje per friki que soni ;)

  4. Jane Y. ADDS...

    yay to macbook air! and amsterdam! how wonderful! i can’t wait to see your pictures after you come back! have a great time!

    28th March 2014
    • We reply...

      Thanks Jane!! We have not been able to plan the trip as much as we would like, but I hope we come home with a pretty bunch of pictures :)

  5. Denise ADDS...

    Awesome, you’re comming to the Netherlands! I live there :3 however, my home is far away from Amsterdam lol.

    Oh and I love your macbook!

    29th March 2014
    • We reply...

      Yay for Netherlands! Nay for not being closer :( Crossing fingers for a future road trip to the country.

  6. Ice Pandora ADDS...

    Things that you need to eat/try: frikandel (it’s a sausage like thingy), kroket (typical Dutch snack! In other countries its called ‘croquette’), erwtensoep (it’s a typical winter soup here), poffertjes (mini pancakes! So good), stroopwafels (syrupwaffles) and ‘drop’ which is licorice but the ones we have has a lot of flavors like salt and sweet c:

    29th March 2014
    • We reply...

      Thanks Mei for all the dutch things we must try! soup, krokets, poggertjes and stroopwafels sound perfect for me. Oh! and licorice, I love it! and I usually get lots of weird looks here for being such a fan, hahaha. Dani will surely enjoy the frikandel as well. thaaanks!

  7. Amsterdam! Such a nice city, I really loved it. I hope you will have a wonderfull time there and a sunny weather! If you like tea, try their mint tea, it’s fresh mint with honey, so good! And dutch pancakes are pretty good too (try the Pancake bakery). If you want some good adress you can have a look on the 2 posts I did on it :
    Have a great time over there :)

    30th March 2014
    • We reply...

      ohh! Thanks! perfect! off to read both posts now :) we’ll make sure to drink the fresh mint tea and the dutch pancakes at Pancake bakery, can’t wait to try them, yumm!

  8. Sara ADDS...

    i always had mac and i love it,tough i do not understand nothing else than the basics :D
    Congratulations on the new laptop and on the trip,hope you will have a wonderful time :)

    2nd April 2014

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