Paris: Paris in the fall

One of the things we enjoyed most of our getaway to Paris was the fall foliage. This year Mr. Autumn has skipped Barcelona in his agenda so it was extra special to be able to see all his splendour thanks to the city fabulous gardens and parks.

We visited two parks inside Paris, the Promenade plantée and the Luxembourg gardens which are very different in what they offer. The first one, also called Coulé verte is a very Parisian version of the High Line in NY, constructed 20 years ago on top of an obsolete railway infrastructure. We used the Bastille entrance and crossed it completely in its 2.9 miles, and more we would have walked, as it was so magical to walk from that height surrounded by both buildings and the yellow, green and red of the plants.

The Luxembourg gardens, on the other hand, are 400 years old, and created to surround the Palace of the regent for the King Louis XIII, Marie de Medici. You will find here exquisite statues and fountains, along with impressive promenades. We went there at noon and it was full of children playing and people having some rest, I presume before going back to work. The light and sun were very revitalizing and gave us the needed strength for more walking!

Before going to the pictures a quick words today to wish a big Happy Thanksgiving holiday to our US readers (belated for Canada!) and to seize this good chance to be thankful for all the amazing adventures that we are living, the friends&family at our side, and to all of you who are giving us an incredible happiness every time we see a comment, view, like or follow in this little silly blog of ours. For everything: Thanks! :)

We won’t delay it more, ready to go back to fall for a few minutes with our promenade pictures? We sure are! :)

** This post is part of our Paris series **

La promenade plantee - The cat, you and us

Our first afternoon in Paris, and very happy with my beautiful leaf at the beginning of the Promenade plantée.

La promenade plantee - The cat, you and us

And this is what you see at your left and right.

Paris buildings - The cat, you and us La promenade plantee - The cat, you and us La promenade plantee - The cat, you and us La promenade plantee - The cat, you and us

In this picture you can get more the railroad feeling of the park.

Paris buildings views - The cat, you and us

This viewing spots all along the walk were terrific!

Paris buildings - The cat, you and us

Here it is our new very French attic where Dani will learn to play the guitar and I will eat lots of croissants ;)

La promenade plantee - The cat, you and us La promenade plantee - The cat, you and us La promenade plantee - The cat, you and us La promenade plantee - The cat, you and us Paris buildings - The cat, you and us

And I will not mind to have the beautiful red flowers in our new French attic as well.

La promenade plantee - The cat, you and us

Two-face Dani ;)

La promenade plantee - The cat, you and us

He was jealous of my leaf, so I agreed to share it :)

La promenade plantee - The cat, you and us

Who I am kidding, I will have to hide this beauty to prevent it being stolen from me.

La promenade plantee - The cat, you and us La promenade plantee - The cat, you and us La promenade plantee - The cat, you and us

And this will be the end of our romance, bye bye leaf, you belong to that beautiful grove.

La promenade plantee - The cat, you and us Le jardin du luxembourg - The cat, you and us

This is one of the beautiful promenades in Luxembourg gardens.

Le jardin du luxembourg - The cat, you and us

The yellow and the sun, good combo :)

Le jardin du luxembourg - The cat, you and us

I love the parks with chairs that you can take wherever is your favorite spot. Dani was in a good one!

And the Luxembourg gardens will lead us into another palace in the next post, one you will surely have heard about.

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  1. Laura ADDS...

    Paris in Autumn looks beautiful! Love all the colours of the leaves, so pretty! Can’t wait to visit someday.

    28th November 2013
    • We reply...

      We felt that October was a really good time of the year to visit the parks in Paris, so beautiful!

  2. Louise ADDS...

    Goodness, this looks perfect. I’ve never seen Paris during Autumn and it is so gorgeous! I love how both of you look so incredibly happy :)

    28th November 2013
    • We reply...

      Paris colors felt like the real anniversary present :) thanks Louise!

  3. petra ADDS...

    fantastic pics. Paris is nice in fall. probably all year around…

    29th November 2013
    • We reply...

      Sure you are right. I feel like fall and spring are good seasons for the gardens and parks, while in winter the christmas decorations and snow must be magical as well. Maybe we have the chance to visit it again in a different season! :)

  4. Fiona ADDS...

    How magical, I love that there exists a garden up high on an obsolete railway! What incredible views :) The Luxembourg gardens on the other hand are postcard perfect with those autumn coloured leaves, I too would have been leaf envious!

    29th November 2013
    • We reply...

      Thanks!! The promenade plantée was my favorite part; the industrial feeling of the railway with all the plants and trees are just my kind of thing. It was sad to say goodbye to the leaf, but we had to follow different paths ;)

  5. Jane Y. ADDS...

    fall foliage in paris is magical! seriously hope to visit one day.

    29th November 2013
    • We reply...

      You should visit it! Piri will certainly enjoy the parks and Parisians are very much into dogs, they are allowed in almost every restaurant. In La Favorite our table neighbor was a cutie french bulldog seated in a chair :)

  6. Albert ADDS...

    Que curiós el parc-via aquest, suposo que a la llarga la gracia és veure les vistes de la ciutat desde el parc. Dani, estic impacient per que sentir un recital de guitarra. Com ho veus de fer una performance d’inauguració el divendres que ve? ;-)

    30th November 2013
    • We reply...

      Sí, desde les altures molava molt anar passejant per la ciutat sense cotxes ni gent :) Mmmm, ja li diré a en Dani que vagi assajant, però molt em temo que serà igual de curt el recital que el teu discurs en japonès d’inauguració ;P

  7. Sonya Mann ADDS...

    That first picture is so cute! Actually I like all the ones with leaves ~ I’m jonesing for fall colors here in California. But now I want to go back to Paris. . .

    1st December 2013
    • We reply...

      Thanks Sonya! We are vicariously living both fall and Paris showing the pictures, is like visiting it twice :P

  8. Nerissa ADDS...

    OMG I love all your pictures!!! They are so dreamy!

    10th May 2016
    • We reply...

      Thanks Nerissa, you’re so sweet! Paris is very dreamy itself :)

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