Catweek: Juno/Pusheen cross-stitch DIY for a sweater

Pusheen cross-stitch DIY for a sweater - The cat, you and us

Hello there! To beat the Monday morning blues (and of January to top it) we have the third edition of Catweek! Tuut tuut tuut! Be very welcome to the week where we indulge ourselves to talk about only cat related stuff!

We started two years ago with this little tradition and I have to admit that has become my favorite temporary series of the blog, hope you enjoy it too because here we have three posts in a row prepared for all cat-lovers-enthusiasts following us (I have the hunch that there is a pretty large bunch of you, wink*)

In case you are a recent reader and would like to take a look at past editions:

Starting today we have a DIY inspired by the always amazing Pusheen and our little Juno: a cross-stitch emblem to embellish a plain sweater.

Pusheen cross-stitch DIY for a sweater - The cat, you and us Pusheen cross-stitch DIY for a sweater - The cat, you and us

Since my last cross stitch project I have been gravitating towards the idea of something functional that I could wear. The first idea was a necklace, a type of locket with a little cross stitch in it. That’s when I realized that it had to be Juno, because a picture of her (and Dani) is what I would probably treasure inside a locket, so it made perfect sense. A few weeks later I stumbled upon a cheap sweater on H&M that was of just the shade I was looking for this autumn/winter, and then I just linked both projects: since the sweater was not expensive at all if I had a problem with the project it was not going to be a super regretful one.

I was looking for a kawaii Juno version so the image of Pusheen came to my mind, and I just adapted the colors to his shape: and voilà! My hybrid was born!

Pusheen cross-stitch DIY for a sweater - The cat, you and us Juno - The cat, you and us

I started making the Juno-Pusheen design in a regular cross-stitch fabric, just to make sure the design looked nice. After the approval I thought the best way to go was to use a sheer paper to trace the design and then cross-stitch on top of the paper and the sweater, to then just rip off the paper when it was done. Ok… wrong move! The design was too little for this approach to work, and I ended having the paper completely destroyed already on the first stitches.

Pusheen cross-stitch DIY for a sweater - The cat, you and us Pusheen cross-stitch DIY for a sweater - The cat, you and us Pusheen cross-stitch DIY for a sweater - The cat, you and us

So I went under a risky route: I was going to use the same cross-stitch fabric and then cut it and erase all its threads. The stitching was way easier as it was just like any other regular cross-stitch project, but erasing the threads was not a fast task, rather the opposite, I had to carefully remove them almost thread by thread.

Pusheen cross-stitch DIY for a sweater - The cat, you and us Pusheen cross-stitch DIY for a sweater - The cat, you and us Pusheen cross-stitch DIY for a sweater - The cat, you and us Pusheen cross-stitch DIY for a sweater - The cat, you and us Pusheen cross-stitch DIY for a sweater - The cat, you and us Pusheen cross-stitch DIY for a sweater - The cat, you and us

I’ll share the final result in a little outfit session we have prepared for this week, hope you like my perfect imperfect Juno/Pusheen sweater! See you very soon!

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  1. Nazlıgül ADDS...

    That’s very sweet! I love love love it! My sister and I have three cats and she’s gonna absolutely like this idea!
    Nazlıgül | on my own way

    25th January 2016
    • We reply...

      Thanks Nazlıgül! Three kitties :) that’s a lovely home for sure!

  2. Ice Pandora ADDS...

    OMG! Pusheen the cat embroidery :D it’s so cute ^__^
    I can’t wait to see the end result c: Xx
    Ice Pandora

    25th January 2016
    • We reply...

      We have a big spoiler on IG, but are going to publish the dlsr pictures in more detail tomorrow of the complete outfit, hope you like it! The result in the sweater isn’t as perfect as it is when in the cross-stitch but I kind of love this imperfection :) xxx

  3. This is so freakin’ adorable!!! V kawaii <3 -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

    26th January 2016
    • We reply...

      Thanks Audrey! :) I think that Pusheen and Rilakkuma are my favorite kawaii characters. Love!

  4. Jane Y. ADDS...

    that is so so cute :)

    28th January 2016
  5. Fiona ADDS...

    Oh my gosh – this is so awesome!! You know what is so funny, I literally started a Gremlin embroidery the other week because I injured my back and was trying to work out what I could do (apart from reading) with my hands and decided embroidery was the way to go! I have literally just finished a quarter of his face (I’m very slow) so I have the utmost respect for your cross stitch projects! I get to see my beautiful Ariel every day!!! So in love with her :) And your little Juno is the absolute cutest, love the Pusheen hybrid and that amazing yellow! Also mega props for the daunting task of removing the backing *gulp*

    3rd February 2016
    • We reply...

      Oh! What a coincidence! We definitely read each other minds (virtually), I know we do! :) Thanks for your sweet words about my stitch work and Ariel, it makes me so happy to think about it! I am super excited to see your Gremlin embroidery <3

  6. Deniz ADDS...

    I love it!! My cousin loves cross stitch that’s why I sent this link the first time I saw!

    11th February 2016
  7. Inne ADDS...

    Hey, how did you erase the threads of the cross stitching fabric?

    22nd August 2021

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