The quickest 1-day getaway to Girona

Girona AVE renfe - The cat, you and us

Hi there! We have a little daily story to share today explaining how we took the quickest trip to Girona to meet my friends’ baby boy. Are you ready for the fast ride?

First of all, I couldn’t thank you enough for the kindest messages we got on our last post for our anniversary. We feel grateful, got teary-eyed and smiled with each one of them, you are super awesome gals!

♥ Big love for each one of you at the other side ♥

Let’s jump to the train shall we?

Girona AVE renfe - The cat, you and us Girona AVE renfe - The cat, you and us Girona AVE station - The cat, you and us Girona AVE station - The cat, you and us

Ale hop, we have just arrived in Girona!

Do you remember Girona? Is this city 1h away from Barcelona where parts of Game of Thrones season 6 was shot and one city that makes a very nice getaway full of history and architecture when you are visiting Barcelona.

Our friends recently moved there and, with also a newborn to welcome, we made it a date to visit them although we were surely too short in time. I won’t be ranting again about our frenzy, so let’s just say we had a morning to be with them to come home just in time to give Juno her pill. Do you remember she has this urinary infection? Hope soon we can give you the good news that the pills killed the bacteria, fingers crossed for our little furry love!

Anyways, we seized the little time to take a couple of pictures of the new family of three and some pictures of us going to and from the train station, and would love to share them with you!

Girona - The cat, you and us Girona Antic Hospital de Santa Caterina - The cat, you and us Girona Antic Hospital de Santa Caterina - The cat, you and us Scary hand clip - The cat, you and us

Since this year we haven’t been able to soak into Halloween as much as we would love to, and also weren’t able to enjoy our favorite (horror & sci-fi) film festival that takes place on October (check last year edition instead to have a look!), I made a little homage through my wardrobe just as a little reminder of the season.

Girona Antic Hospital de Santa Caterina - The cat, you and us Girona Antic Hospital de Santa Caterina - The cat, you and us Girona Antic Hospital de Santa Caterina - The cat, you and us Girona Antic Hospital de Santa Caterina - The cat, you and us Eduard & Edu - The cat, you and us

They are so very serious, ha! they were just posing just to see how the spot looked once captured. Although it is an outtake I love they looks, so I had to include it.

Lucila+Eduard+Ireneu - The cat, you and us

Be welcomed little one!

We walked from the station to our friends home, chatted a little about their new life, grabbed quickly something to eat, took them a few impromptu pictures with the baby and went home again to our cat Juno. Just like that: we were there and then… gone, ha!

To get back home we took the train and once in the station we were surprised by how on-Halloween-theme (aka scary!) it was and couldn’t help it but to take spooky pics. I won’t be the next scream queen, but at least I tried and they look fun (hope they do!)

Scary station - The cat, you and us Scary station - The cat, you and us Scary station - The cat, you and us Scary station - The cat, you and us Scary station - The cat, you and us

See you soon with another new story!

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  1. Fiona ADDS...

    ha ha ha ha, awww scary damaris is the best! Also how sweet is the family photo, you know they’ll treasure that one! Also rockin an awesome head scarf again Damaris, I’ve been on the look out myself but I feel maybe I’m being too picky and just need to settle :P

    27th October 2016
  2. Nieves ADDS...

    Las fotos son muy buenas, las de la estación, son un tributo a la fiesta de hallowen, el lugar da un poco de grima, suerte de la protagonista que siempre es guapa, enhorabuena chicos.

    27th October 2016
  3. What a sweet trip! Also love your dress! And cute brooch! Wishing Juno all the best :) -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

    28th October 2016
  4. Ice Pandora ADDS...

    How cute is that skeleton hand pin!!
    The family photo of your friend is lovely ^__^

    29th October 2016
  5. Lucila ADDS...

    Thank you Fiona and Ice Pandora! I am the mum in the photo :-)

    I gràcies guapíssims per les fotos i la visita, una vegada més. Passeu-nos també aquestes dues que crec que no hi són en el pack que ens vau fer! I si en teniu alguna altra de desperdigada també :-)

    8th November 2016
    • We reply...

      Guapa, merci! Doncs aquestes estaven també incloses al pack si no es va fer malament el zip, no ens vam deixar-ne cap editada sense enviar! Molts petons!

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