South Wales: the sneak peek

South Wales - The cat, you and us

Today we are making the start of our adventures to South Wales – picture my excited face here – sharing the photos from our phones. South Wales was so invigorating for us, it exceeded our expectations and has become one of those places that I add to our “must-go-back” list. Since we were only able to visit during 6 days we had to restrict our trip to the south part leaving the north (which seems equally amazing) for the next time.

I will let the pictures do all the talking because I’m afraid I would already be rambling too much in the following posts, so keep tuned for the details. Thanks Cymru (Wales in welsh) for being so good to us! we’ll be seeing each other again, chi bet!

Carreg Cennen Castle - The cat, you and us Stackpole - The cat, you and us Stackpole - The cat, you and us South Wales - The cat, you and us Stackpole - The cat, you and us Stackpole beach - The cat, you and us Lily ponds - The cat, you and us Saint Davids - The cat, you and us Saint Davids cathedral - The cat, you and us Saint Davids - The cat, you and us Worms head - The cat, you and us Worms head - The cat, you and us Worms head - The cat, you and us Three Cliffs Bay - The cat, you and us Three Cliffs Bay - The cat, you and us Caerphilly - The cat, you and us Caerphilly - The cat, you and us Caerphilly - The cat, you and us Castel Coch - The cat, you and us Castel Coch - The cat, you and us
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  1. Jane Y. ADDS...

    breathtaking damaris!! such wonderful captures through your phone. i love the rolling hills and the old castles and dirt roads.

    17th September 2014
    • We reply...

      Wales was an amazing landscape experience! Lots of castles & roads are coming in the following posts :) Hope you like them!

  2. Albert ADDS...

    Spoiler alert!

    17th September 2014
    • We reply...

      OMG!! I sí ja vinguéssin les de l’Anna seria la pera ;)

  3. Fiona ADDS...

    oh my gosh these are your phone photos *gasp* can’t believe what is still to come! All the landscape shots are beautifully stunning but my favourite might just have to be that empty icecream van parking space :P

    18th September 2014
  4. Chrystin ADDS...

    That ice cream van parking space photo is so funny! South Wales looks beautiful, although maybe a little too grey for me…I need my sun! xx

    18th September 2014
  5. Katrina Sophia ADDS...

    It looks amazing out there! Beautiful photographs.

    Katrina Sophia

    18th September 2014
  6. Sara ADDS...

    love the landscapes :)

    18th September 2014
  7. Ice Pandora ADDS...

    Haha ‘Ice Cream Van’ park lot :P cute
    Are all these pictures taken with your phone? No way!
    Some of the pictures reminds me of Holland :P like
    the 3rd picture with the houses but of course we
    don’t have stone houses like the ones in Whales!
    Can’t wait for more Whales posts ^___^


    18th September 2014
  8. Ruby ADDS...

    These photos are brilliant! Wales looks so beautiful, and I love the cloudy, grey dramatic weather! Can’t believe that I live in England, and have never been to Wales. That’s pretty bad, right? x

    19th September 2014
  9. kitsune-kun ADDS...

    WOW so pretty! I wanna gooooo

    19th September 2014
  10. petra ADDS...

    lovely pics. I hope it doesn’t rain too much :)

    19th September 2014
  11. Deniz ADDS...

    Haha you’re the same with us about lists :) love the “must go back” list too!
    These pics look like scenes from a north european movie! so so filmographic even the weather!

    19th September 2014
  12. Monique ADDS...

    Aahhh you photos look so inspirational! I can’t wait to get away and share pics of my own!
    Thanks for sharing!

    21st September 2014

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