Think pink

pink - The cat, you and us


I finally made it, I colored my hair pink! For a long time I have had a love relationship with colored hair, and have been hesitant to try it on my hair because as a brunette is not that easy to dye it and make it work, or at least this was my impression. I performed all the dying at home, choosing pink, although my first choice would be a dusted pink, I went for an easier fucsia instead.

It’s no secret I love colored hair ladies such as The Dainty Squid, A Clothes Horse (mermaid queen?), my favorite brunette gone blonde Mrs. Burntfeather… the list goes on. I really admire Kaylah’s skills dying her own hair, with all the layers she creates, big love. Have you ever tried to do it at home? Or at a hair saloon?

pink - The cat, you and us

After my pink transformation Dani was so jealous and eager to match with his favorite sweater that he went running to the bathroom and used the same hair dye color. Isn’t he the happiest of boys with his new do?

pink - The cat, you and us Happy April fools 2016 - The cat, you and us

Happy day! A little Photoshop joke for today’s post :)

However, all the rant about coloring my hair & my colored hair heroes was very TRUE, I wish I will be brave enough one day to try it. I was maybe thinking to start dipping my hair ends, or going for an ombre look, what do you think? Will pink be a good candidate? Or should maybe go for a lilac? All your recommendations will be very much appreciated!

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  1. Jules ADDS...

    Pues Dani tiene su puntito xD

    1st April 2016
    • We reply...

      Jajajajajaja, sí, el rosa le va! ;) Besiiicos!

  2. Louise Williams ADDS...

    The pink actually really suits you! Maybe not Dani… ;)


    1st April 2016
  3. ice pandora ADDS...

    Unlike last year with twin Juno, I knew this one would be a prank :3
    Pink hair would be a great dye for a themed party or festival or something :P
    I’m the same with dyeing hair, I want to try a different hair color too!

    1st April 2016
  4. Marine ADDS...

    I like the idea of lilac tips! Or a pastel pink. I dyed my ends when I didn’t want to do my whole head – it’s easy to just snip off the damaged hair once you get tired of it ;)

    3rd April 2016
  5. Mariko ADDS...

    You totally got me! I think you would look lovely with soft pink hair. Or you could always go bright blue… ;)

    4th April 2016
  6. Luci ADDS...

    QUIN SUSTO! M’ho havia cregut totalment, i t’anava a dir que semblaves una petita japonesa amb el jersei negre i tot :-)


    6th April 2016
    • We reply...

      Jajajaj! Merci! Que mono el comentari! :) Com va tot? Tinc ganes de posar-nos al dia, sempre acabo no trobant el moment per escriure’t un email per preguntar-te sobre la defensa de la tesi, no tinc perdó! :S :S Espero que tot estigui anant bé, un petó enorme.

  7. Fiona ADDS...

    lol lol lol!! Damaris (and Dani) come on you need to do this for reals! he he he. This is the best and guess what, I totally dyed my hair pink for Japan! It’s pretty faded now, although I was expecting it to be all but gone by the end of Japan (shamefully didn’t wash my hair that often :P). Anyway, I totally vote you at least do your ends! I like what Marine said too :) For some reason I think you’d look really cute with bright blue tips!

    8th April 2016
    • We reply...

      Eeeeeeep!!! Pink hair! Just when I thought I couldn’t be more excited about being able to soon see your Japan pics, this morning Dani wakes me whispering: You will smile at one comment on the blog today :) he was right! Definitely bright blue will maybe work better for a brunette as myself, I am already looking at hair chalk as starters.

  8. Fiona ADDS...

    :) :) :) so funny! I’ve always been curious about hair chalk, if you give it a go you’ll have to show us the results! I think it’s easier to mess with your hair when it’s shorter because it doesn’t take too long to regrow *convince convince* :P

    9th April 2016
  9. Louise ADDS...

    Haaa, even though I did not read this on April Fools, it was fantastic.
    I definitely think you should try some haircoloring, ombre is so lovely. But then, who am I to convince you – I too am pining away at those colourful locks and don’t dare to make a change ….:/

    13th April 2016
    • We reply...

      Hahahaha, loved your comment :) I am also one big supporter for people changing hair color because I find it awesome, but then I am a scaredy cat when it comes to mine. Although I usually cut my own hair and I’m not afraid at all to wear a pixie cut or any other change, the color is something different :)

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