2nd blogiversary: Our party cake

2nd blogiversary party cake - The cat, you and us

What is an anniversary without a cake? – This said by the girl who requested gummy cakes when she was a little girl – well…not a proper party, right? Luckily our friend & baker Anna came to the rescue creating the most adorable cupcakes with our figures made out of foundant so we could celebrate this second year of blogging with a sweet touch.

Before starting this sugary post, have you already checked Samantha Heather this Monday with her 3 inspirational bits, she is a wonderful photographer and kind soul, isn’t she? We feel lucky to have guest bloggers in our humble home sharing their most precious moments, thanks girls!

Now, let’s go again to the cake, shall we?…Anna took our About image and with colored foundant created a little figure for Dani, Juno (the cutest! because well, she is also in real life) and myself. She made two of them beforehand but came to our home so we could make together Juno and give the final touches to the complete ensemble.

2nd blogiversary party cake - The cat, you and us 2nd blogiversary party cake - The cat, you and us

I love the detail in Dani’s bowtie.

2nd blogiversary party cake - The cat, you and us

It was so much fun to learn a little more about the craving tools for the foundant and her steps & technique to create the figures. In short, the basics include making good rounded balls and then give the shape with either the tools (preferably since you won’t leave your fingerprints and it’s more accurate) or your hands. It’s exactly the same feeling as working with clay, with (edible) glue and everything.

2nd blogiversary party cake - The cat, you and us 2nd blogiversary party cake - The cat, you and us 2nd blogiversary party cake 2nd blogiversary party cake - The cat, you and us 2nd blogiversary party cake - The cat, you and us

Juno foundant version almost ready. Meanwhile the real Juno was hard working….

2nd blogiversary party cake - The cat, you and us

Eep, the boxes in the living room are part of our spring changes in the living room, soon we will reveal the result!

2nd blogiversary party cake - The cat, you and us

In my tea date with Daniel, the figure ;)

2nd blogiversary party cake - The cat, you and us

All ready!

2nd blogiversary party cake - The cat, you and us 2nd blogiversary party cake - The cat, you and us 2nd blogiversary party cake - The cat, you and us

Once the foundant figures were ready Anna made swiss meringue with the help of our KitchenAid.

2nd blogiversary party cake - The cat, you and us 2nd blogiversary party cake - The cat, you and us

The cupcakes were cherry flavored with swiss meringue roses frosting

2nd blogiversary party cake - The cat, you and us

Do you play with foundant from time to time? After the experience I thought it would make a very fun workshop for kiddos, plus they get to eat their figure afterwards! Are you wondering were our figures are? Don’t worry they are not in our bellies, they will be displayed at home inside a flower pot :) Thanks again Anna for playing with us! You’re a sweet one! :) – no pun intended! (or maybe it was… ha!)

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  1. Vane ADDS...

    Chicos, muchas felicidades!!! Enhorabuena!!! Ya dos años y han sido dos años maravillosos, admiro mucho todo su trabajo y su talento. Sigan compartiendo con nosotros momentos tan maravillosos y lugares tan especiales.
    Siempre tienen una familia que los recibirá con los brazos abiertos en México.
    Con mucho cariño,

    14th May 2015
    • We reply...

      Muchísimas gracias Vanessa por tus lindas palabras :) que nos dan mucha fuerza para seguir adelante! Un abrazo grandote desde Barcelona.

  2. anna ADDS...

    eis! son molt chules les fotos!! gràcies x lo de baker.. però no se jo.. jaja
    felicitats un altre cop i que seguiu molts anys més!! ja anire perfeccionant la tècnica pel proper aniversari jiji
    gràcies x donar-me l’oportunitat d’aventurar-me en coses noves jeje

    15th May 2015
    • We reply...

      Merci guapi!!!! Ens vas fer un regalàs per l’aniversari del blog :) Ja tens controlades les figures humanes, ara toca que siguin més primets, jajajajajajajja, un petó ben gran!

  3. anna ADDS...

    per cert trobo a faltar unes fotos d’una mini juno made by Dam :p

    15th May 2015
    • We reply...

      Jajajajajjajajajaja, hi ha alguna foto, n’hi ha ;)

  4. Marlen ADDS...

    my heart just broke right in half- this is the cutest thing, ever! i now need to find a pastry chef friend so I could get the same sweet little cupcakes haha. It was really cool to see some of the behind the scenes action- it doesn’t quite look as intimidating when you see the steps. Also, your cat is such a grumpy cutie :)

    xo marlen
    Messages on a Napkin

    15th May 2015
    • We reply...

      Thanks Marlen!!! :) It was fun to be involved in making them – well at least with one out of three ;) If you’re good with modelling clay this should be quite straightforward but a pastry chef friend is always handy ;)

  5. Mindi ADDS...

    Oh my goodness, this just made my day! Congrats on your second blogiversary!

    15th May 2015
    • We reply...

      Thanks Mindi!! :) Happy to hear!

  6. Jane Y. ADDS...

    This is so awesome! They all came out great :) I love Juno’s of course!

    15th May 2015
    • We reply...

      Hahaha, somehow Juno’s version always is the best ;) ;) – human mom talk, y’know!

  7. Deniz ADDS...

    wow!! they exactly look like you!! do you want to try to do this with papers? :)) maybe we can do something together when you come to our city!

    and happy blogivarsary!! xoxo

    16th May 2015
    • We reply...

      Thanks dear! :) Oh paper figures would be so cool! Count us in when we are able to visit your lovely city! :)

  8. petra ADDS...

    did you really eat them in the end? I could never do that. too cute! I would keep them in the fridge or freezer forever :))))

    18th May 2015
    • We reply...

      Hahahaha, nono we are displaying them in a flower pot, we read that they can resist for years like this :)

  9. These are so cute, I couldn’t bear eating them! Just kidding :P How can I NOT eat something that looks as delicious as this?? -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

    1st June 2015
    • We reply...

      :) :) LOL I think it would be similar to cannibalism in my case, but totally would eat one figurine from another couple with a cat that were not us ;)

  10. Fiona ADDS...

    Anna is so clever – how perfect did they turn out! I love all the little details, like your heart bow and dani’s bowtie and Juno looks incredible!

    15th June 2015

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