
Nathalie+Ricard - The cat, you and us

Hello! Just a quick shout-out to let you know that we published some new pictures at The cat in love website for all of you that are also photography nuts as ourselves.

It has been a quite interesting month for our photography gigs, so I was extra proud to finally deliver the engagement pictures to this lovely couple. They have such a rad personality that I think this has transferred to the pictures and have become one of my favorites so far, hope you enjoy them too (they even made it to our portfolio in the main page, tuut!)

The pictures were taken at Montjuïc, a mountain inside Barcelona, we climbed it up while taking the pictures walking by several city parks and ended up with Barcelona views at the sunset (featured image). You can also check some other posts we have taken in Montjuïc since the beginning of this blog, no doubts it’s a location we favor a lot:

Nathalie+Ricard - The cat, you and us Nathalie+Ricard - The cat, you and us Nathalie+Ricard - The cat, you and us Nathalie+Ricard - The cat, you and us Nathalie+Ricard - The cat, you and us Nathalie+Ricard - The cat, you and us Nathalie+Ricard - The cat, you and us Nathalie+Ricard - The cat, you and us Nathalie+Ricard - The cat, you and us

Are you visiting Barcelona with your sweet beau and would like to meet with us to take some pictures, don’t hesitate to contact us, we love people in love :)

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  1. Mariko ADDS...

    Whoa. These guys look like models. Hubba hubba.

    10th March 2016
    • We reply...

      They do! They should definitely do some modelling gigs :)

  2. ice pandora ADDS...

    Wahhhh beautiful shootings you guys!!
    Nathalie and Ricard are also a beautiful couple c: Xx

    10th March 2016
    • We reply...

      Oh!!! Thank you so much sweet Mei! We had a glorious lighting afternoon for those two lovebirds :)

  3. Jane Y. ADDS...

    Beautiful work! :)

    21st March 2016

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