1st blogiversary: Searches that led people to this blog & Giveaway winner

2 donut mugs giveaway winner - The cat, you and us

The third week of this blogiversary has come to an end (sad faces). This month is flying so quick for us and of course we mean it in a good way, because we are enjoying a lot having guests at our home and we have that feeling of already missing them. Do you ever feel like this?

On Monday we had a very special love letter from the enchanting Deniz to her future husband Türker; a very sweet and well written piece that you can’t miss. We wish them the best in the home they are building together.

On Wednesday we finally had our blogiversary cake thanks to Jasmine, a lively girl living in Belgium that makes yummy recipes and shares her piece of the universe Diana Mini and Polaroid in hand.

Now, let’s go for today’s big announcement of the giveaway winner! but to add a little (more) suspense we will talk first about a pretty amusing thing we have discovered during this first year of blogging.

Both WordPress statistics (we use the Jetpack plugin, do you?) and Google analytics have a section where they list searches that people perform, in website search engines such as Google or Yahoo, which make them click on your website.

Although we eventually take a look to them and get surprised (by many of them) we did not pay enough attention to them until we made the balance of this year for this anniversary. We thought it would be fun to share some of those searches, since they were amusing to read and give us a better understanding of what our blog is really about (kind of). Let’s take a look:

  • “cat cafes in japan are cat lover’s paradise” We are not sure if it was our case, we missed so much Juno that we did not dare to step a foot in a cat café in case we got terribly home sick (or should we say Juno sick?).
  • “cat shaped pizza” As a pizza master in process Dani has never made one, but it sounds awesome! Great idea for our next cooking project! :)
  • “cat you think this is a game” Must be our favorite, we appreciate puns a lot, so kuddos for anyone finding us thanks to one! But be aware cats everywhere this is NOT a game.
  • “how to be like a cat” Oh! I wish we had the super duper secret. Damaris would love to be in one of those movies with body swap like Freaky Friday only if it was with a cat.
  • “cat has seen things” I wanna tell you a secret, Juno sees things, hopefully they are unicorns and fairies (not creepy Sixth Sense things)
  • “oh no cat” I guess someone caught her/his cat doing something wrong. Oh no! naughty cats :)
  • “i cat you” A much better catch phrase than the I heart “add anything here”; we should do some t-shirts or shoot a movie remake called “Everyone says I cat you”, what do you think? We cat you all very much!
  • “pocky cat” Is that real? It could be, because you know how Japan favors both Pocky flavors and cats. Does anyone know if it was a real thing? If not, should we contact Mr. Pocky to sell him the idea!? ;)
  • “the magical christmas cat” Juno is pretty magical to our eyes all seasons, but a magical Christmas cat could be an improved version of our Christmas log, more kawaii, don’t you think?

In short, accordingly to the searches, our blog is about… cats, well that’s fine with us!

Which one do you like better? Have you ever looked to the searches that led people to your blog? Don’t forget to leave them in the comments!

And now…yes…finally…the big announcement! The winner of our first giveaway ever is……

2 donut mugs giveaway winner - The cat, you and us

Congratulations Denysia!!! The raddest donut mugs come flying to your home! We have wrapped it with the most carefulness and love (*)

Thanks to everyone participating, it definitely overwhelms us to have more than 350 entries, it’s a big figure for our small blog. Thanks guys!

See you all next week with the last blogiversary week, we have the last “Home is with you” posts to end with a bang!

(*) You can also check the giveaway winner selected at random by the Rafflecopter application in the giveaway post. The winner will be contacted to the email provided, if he/she does not reply back in a week we will ask the rafflecopter application to randomly select another winner.

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  1. Jane Y. ADDS...

    so funny with the search engines search words! :)

    23rd May 2014
  2. This is so funny! I think the cat shapped pizza is my favorite one ^^ So so funny!

    23rd May 2014
    • We reply...

      haha, in my mind the cat pizza looks awesome, we should try, but we are not very good right now at shaping the dough in any shape rather than a rectangular ;)

  3. Kati ADDS...

    Ah, too bad, I wanted them so badly, haha!
    But congrats to the winner!


    24th May 2014
    • We reply...

      Aw thanks Kati! :)

  4. Louise ADDS...

    Hahahaha, the search engine words are funny. I think I found your blog (wayyyyyy back when, haha) through google-ing something similar… :p

    24th May 2014
    • We reply...

      really? hahahhaha :) thanks Louise! We feel your (long now!) support to our blog so deeply, million thanks!

  5. Fiona ADDS...

    Oh gosh those search engine searches are super hilarious, I love the I cat you one, must tell Ben that tonight :) Super congrats to Denysia and thanks to you guys for having such a lovely blog I get to happily read!

    25th May 2014
    • We reply...

      We cat you Fee ( & Ben & Gremlin) a lot!! :)

  6. Sara ADDS...

    Congratulations to the winner :)

    25th May 2014
  7. haha I love this! Congrats on your blogiversary too! xx

    25th May 2014
    • We reply...

      Thanks Fritha!!! :) We wish for many more years of blogging to come!

  8. Ellie ADDS...

    Haha love the search engine searches! +I really want to visit cat cafe!

    26th May 2014
    • We reply...

      I know! cat cafés are one of Japan’s best ideas ;) I heard there are also bunny cafés (and owl cafés) I may add this to our wishlist!

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